Wait! Wait!!

May 22, 2011 22:46

I'm treating this thing like a blog....
So I turned 21 on the 17th, and decided it would be a good idea to learn the violin, and usually I make excuses to get out of doing difficult things like this.

Now I can't.
My friends got me a violin for my birthday...

So now I'm on a journey to teach myself the violin, as private tutors in my area all state "Prefer children" (draw your own conclusions). I figure this is why so many adults are loathe to learn an instrument, there just doesn't seem to be much interest in teaching us. 
Youtube will save me, and Google no doubt. I realise no one will read this, but on the off chance that you do, can you recommend any good sites?

I also got caviar.
I'm Russian, and conform to that stereotype, but not the other as I don't drink except a glass of sweet wine on special occasions. It's $300/kg and I only got 100g. My mother remembers a time when they ate it out of 3kilo jars. I want caviar now.

rant, birthday special

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