Title: This Girl
speshtianCharacter/Pairing: Cameron/Thirteen, ref. Cameron/Chase
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A slightly AU fic where Cameron finds Thirteen after credits roll on 4x03 and talk about where their relationship is going. It gets all fluffy at the end.
Disclaimer/Spoilers: I don't own House M.D. Set during 4x03, 97 Seconds.
Author's Notes: This is my first ever House fic. I took a lot of artistic license with this story, and it wasn't beta-ed, so all mistakes and gaping character OOC are mine.
The prompt:
supererogatory - going beyond what is required or expected; also, superfluous, unnecessary.
Cameron couldn't remember how the whole fight - could they call it a fight? - started, but she did know that it ended up with Thirteen walking out, leaving her in the ER to deal with a hopelessly daft intern who had once again managed to get gauze confused with paper towels.
She was tired of it; the fight, the whole situation, everything.
It was one thing if Thirteen had kissed her and then never mentioned the event again, but, in actual fact, Thirteen had kissed her - slow, kinda lazy, and altogether definitely not unpleasant - in the semi-privacy behind an ER screen, invited her out, taken her home, bedded her not one but six times and then kept seeing her regularly after the fact.
So Cameron thought it fair that she was pissed off after having to hear from the hopeless intern (who gave her droppers instead of syringes) that "the one they called Thirteen" had managed to kill a patient and his dog, all in one day.
On the other hand, it wasn't as though she and Thirteen had the same relationship that she and Chase had had - should she have expected Thirteen to come to her first thing?
At any rate, Cameron didn't know what was going on. And she didn't like it.
"When did this happen?" she demanded urgently, but Hopeless Intern didn't know.
"Like, four o' clock?" he guessed, and a guess wasn't quite good enough for Cameron, and she headed up to find…
Who was she going to find?
She wasn't going to go to House. She couldn't talk to Chase - not about Remy, anyway. Foreman wasn't around, and the only one of the candidates she talked to was the one she was looking for.
On the way out, she bumped into one of the twins. "Hey," Cameron said, catching her elbow, "Do you know where Thirteen is?"
The twins pulled faces together. One of them shook her head and said, "She wasn't there when we got fired, but I won't be surprised if she was, too. She was the one who killed him, after all."
For reasons unknown, it never crossed Cameron's mind to check the morgue, so she went back down to the ER, Thirteen always at the forefront of her mind. It was almost two hours before she could hand the reins to someone else, and get the heck out of Princeton-Plainsboro.
In a sudden epiphany, she realized where Thirteen was. It had been mentioned fleetingly, when Remy opened up to her in a rare moment of honesty - my mother died of Huntington's. Sometimes, when life really sucks, I go to her and appreciate what I have, because she never got the chance to enjoy it properly.
There were bunches of flowers on the ground, and Cameron plucked one, tucking the long-stemmed flower - she didn't know what it was; she was a doctor, not a botanist - into her pocket and grimaced as a stray thorn stuck her in the finger.
She was about halfway there when it started to rain. How appropriate. The rainfall increased, seemingly exponentially every second, falling with both more speed and ferocity, and the sharp, whipping droplets threatened into hail.
When she got there, Thirteen looked to have been there for ages. Since it happened, Cameron guessed.
In the dark, the dim, flickering lamplight about a metre away cast odd shadows over both the headstone and Remy's face. She looked tired and gaunt; she looked defeated. Cameron couldn't figure out whether the wetness on the internist's face was from tears or rain.
Probably both.
She stopped a short distance away to observe her lover. Thirteen was on her knees, and had no umbrella. Her hair was soaked through.
She had never thought the young woman more beautiful.
Remy looked up when Cameron stepped closer. Neither of them said a word, but Cameron removed the flower from her pocket and held it up.
"I brought a flower," she stated obviously.
Thirteen stood and stared at Cameron for a long while. In that moment, Cameron saw the true Remy Hadley: the young woman, scared of what her body hid from her, waiting for a day of betrayal to come - if there was even one to come at all -, and she saw Thirteen, the ambitious doctor who remained an enigma to all.
No, Cameron corrected herself, to most.
She knew Thirteen. She knew Remy. She knew all of her (as best as she could, anyway), and knew quite obviously that Thirteen wasn't happy to see Cameron at her mother's grave.
"How supererogatory of you," Remy remarked.
Silently thanking Kutner for insisting upon sharing his new Word-A-Day toilet paper vocabulary with everybody, Cameron said simply, "It wasn't a problem." Then, she carefully placed her flower beside a small bouquet of calla lilies, already in front of the headstone.
"They were her favourite," Remy said suddenly, smiling fondly at the memory. "We'd always give her a bouquet on her birthday. They'd die after a week, but she'd still keep them in the vase, in the foyer, and anyone who came to our house then would see these decaying callas the second they walked in the door."
Cameron didn't know what to say to that, so, apropos of nothing, she said, "It happens to the best of us, you know."
Thirteen looked stricken. "It was a stupid mistake. Even your paper-towel intern would've known to wait until he'd actually finished taking the pills." She scuffed the toe of her boot in the muddy ground and stomped an impression of her boot into it after, studying the pattern that the sole left.
"Actually, he probably would've gotten the pills mixed up."
That earned her a chuckle. But then Thirteen turned serious again and said, "I can't believe House didn't fire me."
"He knows you're a good doctor."
Thirteen scoffed. "Yeah. Good doctor who can't make sure her patient takes his pills."
"You're not going to let it happen again."
Cameron could feel the conviction in Thirteen's voice. "No, I'm not."
"So stop beating yourself up over it. You made it through; just look towards the next patient and don't make the same mistake twice."
Another long silence stretched between them. Then, Thirteen said, "I'm sorry I walked out the other day. Chase was there-" she trailed off, evidently not knowing what to say.
Everything fell into place (not unlike the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, of course). "You were jealous?"
Thirteen shrugged. "Yeah."
"Rem… It was over a long time ago. I just made it official because I wanted to be with you. Chase-" Cameron paused to search for the right words. "Chase can be very stubborn. But he knows now that it's over between us."
Thirteen moved closer. "Yeah?"
It amazed Cameron to see how much the walls could shift and tumble, clearly expressed in Remy's face. "Yeah."
The kiss was slow, kinda lazy, and altogether definitely not unpleasant.