Jun 14, 2008 16:43

[Dante is getting himself geared up for what might be the most rigorous fight he's had since arriving in Template. His grin is so big that it's nothing but overly-sharp teeth, and he seems to be having a spirited conversation with...his swords? Two of them, at least. Who are talking back]I TOLD you guys I wasn't going to take you anywhere if you ( Read more... )

agni and rudra, nero [original], talking swords

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mach_kick June 15 2008, 00:27:45 UTC
At least I don't have to tell Ergheiz to keep quiet. I'm pretty sure they're not sentient. But who knows? Agni and Rudra are probably more powerful because they are.

[bounces lightly on his feet] Ready to go when you've gotten your swords in line?


with_liiiiiight June 15 2008, 00:31:37 UTC
More powerful or more of a pain in my ass? That one's up in the air.

[he already has Rebellion strapped across his back, so he glowers at Agni and Rudra, hits them together one last time, and then sheathes them]

Ready when you are. You'll hang back though, yeah?


mach_kick June 15 2008, 00:40:20 UTC
[Laughs] More powerful. I dunno, I like 'em.

[Zell's in loose-fitting white linen pants and a black sleeveless shirt, with only his sneakers and Ergheiz. It's too warm for more concealing clothing, but these let him move easily, and that's all he asks for.]

[nods] Selphie and I will hang back unless one of you go down, or are specifically asked to rush in. And I doubt he will, but we'll also do our best to make sure Vergil doesn't run.


with_liiiiiight June 15 2008, 00:43:23 UTC
If he runs, I dunno if I could catch him. He's in a different body, yeah, but he'll still be fast. I don't mean like 50-yard dash fast---I mean faster than the human eye can see fast.

[smirks lopsidedly, running a hand through his hair once he's armed up]

Lookin' sharp, kiddo.


mach_kick June 15 2008, 00:53:52 UTC
[Zell grins, showing his own rather large canines] You're right. If he runs---or "strategically retreats" as I'm sure he'd call it---we probably couldn't catch him. But our spells track. Two Holy spells would give a nice sendoff, don't you think?

Ah, shut up. These let me move around and I don't care too much if they get bloody and ripped.


with_liiiiiight June 15 2008, 00:58:57 UTC
Don't plan on getting bloody and/or ripped. You're staying out of the main brawl. You don't know Vergil like I do---he doesn't take prisoners, if y'know what I mean. He's too stubborn to just run, but...[frowns deeper, tugging at the straps of his gun holster]

If it's really him in Sandwich Boy, it's gonna be a hell of a fight.


mach_kick June 15 2008, 01:04:39 UTC
[Zell looks somewhat annoyed] Monsters don't take prisoners either. Or mad Sorceresses. We're professionals, Dante. This is what we do, we're used to playing for keeps. And honestly? You've never seen Selphie and I fight for real. Both of us could probably take you down, if we were serious about it.

Yeah. I've fought Vergil before, remember? At "walking speed" as you put it, because AIDA wasn't properly using his strengths.


with_liiiiiight June 15 2008, 01:10:24 UTC
Professional monster and sorceress hunters, maybe, but demons aren't from your little corner of the universe, Zell. We're big, we're mean, we don't die very easy. I'm a professional at hunting "my" kind---our sparring's just the tip of the iceberg.

And shit. He's my twin. I've been fighting with him since we were still in the womb.


mach_kick June 15 2008, 01:20:54 UTC
We're just professional fighters. And you've never seen a pissed-off Sorceress, obviously, if you're brushing off fighting one.

[Zell steps forward and jabs Dante lightly in the chest with a finger] I can be mean too, Dante. Very mean. So can Selph. Now, if you think that Selphie and I are going to be in your way, or if you just can't take the thought of one of us potentially getting hurt, you tell me right now. We won't go---our pride isn't going to get in the way of listening to sense, and this is more your fight then it is ours. But it IS our fight as well. Nero's my friend.


with_liiiiiight June 15 2008, 01:29:06 UTC
[Dante's frown is etched, his face more serious than he usually lets it get. Something dark and almost frightened passes quickly in his eyes, gone before it can be fully realized]

I can fight this for you. Sure, Nero's a friend. I get that. But here's a newsflash, Zell: you're human and humans die. He'll tear you apart, and I can't---

[he snarls under his breath, crossing his arms and looking away. He almost said that he can't let that happen again, but he can't seem to choke it out]

You can come and you can back us up, but I don't want you going toe to toe with Vergil.


mach_kick June 15 2008, 01:42:06 UTC
[Zell looks both sad and frustrated. He doesn't know how to convince Dante that they'll be okay, that these particular humans aren't going to get cut apart]

We're not going to be much of a backup. We can't use our Holy spells or really any other spell either---you'll be in too close to Vergil, and it might hit you as well. Either we'll do nothing or we're going to be fighting, unless something unexpected happens.

And I know damn well I'm human. I also know exactly how far I can go, and it's damn far. I ain't exactly fragile.


with_liiiiiight June 15 2008, 01:51:29 UTC
[it's just a little bit hard for Dante when the only other human he has ever truly cared for got ripped apart in front of his eyes as a kid. That left its mark, much as he himself hasn't really realized it. He can't put it into word, because he, Dante, doesn't admit to being afraid of anything---even if it's someone else's wellbeing. Hell. ESPECIALLY if it's someone else's wellbeing]

Just...keep your head down. If you need to toss in a Holy spell, do it. I'll heal. Maybe I'll just tan a little.


mach_kick June 15 2008, 01:55:44 UTC
[nods] Okay. I'll keep my head down.

Uh, I'd much rather you try to tan the traditional way. Holy does more of the "burning" then the "tanning". But if we have to, then I'll do it. Being caught in the edges of it would still hurt like hell, but I doubt it'd do too much actual damage.


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