(no subject)

Aug 21, 2010 20:13

Simply put, things were a fucking mess. The past two weeks had been spent worrying about Chase, a feeling not lessened by the fact that his recovery was imminent, and Lucy had begun to think she was nearing the end of her rope, though that wasn't anything new for her. Over and over, it seemed, just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, they did; this was only the most recent example, but perhaps the most powerful, too, given that it wasn't just the incident itself but what it called to mind that she couldn't shake now. So long ago now, she had been in almost the exact same position with Max, and this time, she'd had a second chance and blew it, not realizing just how fucked up things were until it was too late. She should have known; she could have stopped it. Instead, she'd almost lost one of her closest friends left on the island. To say that that hurt would have been a massive understatement.

To find out about the disappearances of Kate and Nate, then, only added insult to injury, nothing quite so bad as the overarching problems she already had to deal with. At least they had gone together, though a part of her couldn't help feeling a little envious for it, wishing she'd been able to go back with Ryan. For as long as it had been, she wasn't sure he was someone she would ever fully get over. Their being gone wasn't the worst she'd dealt with, not by a long shot, but it still left her with that familiar restlessness, leaving her wandering aimlessly down a path, itching for an outlet but not having yet found one. She longed for company, too, a reassurance that she wasn't totally alone here, though that was something she was less likely to admit.

She hadn't meant to stumble across the location of the punching bag, but what she had expected even less was to see Bruce there, going at it like it had personally offended him or something. For a moment, she just stood, not wanting to interrupt, but curiosity got the better of her. Besides, just then, there were few people whose company she'd have preferred. "Bruce?"

bryce larkin

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