(no subject)

Jun 30, 2010 01:26

It all caught up to Lucy, sometimes, just how many people she had lost in so short a time, and hand in hand with that, how few she had left. There were times it occurred to her, too, that she might be better off not bothering at all, keeping everyone at a distance and hoping it hurt less for it, but she had tried that and failed, and for all that it might have helped, it also didn't quite seem worth it, getting overruled almost immediately. She was far too independent to be the clingy sort, but when cold logic wasn't clouding her thoughts, she couldn't fight the desire to keep those she had left closer, well aware of the mistake she'd made with her brother, not appreciating his presence enough until it was too late. She wasn't going to do that again. There was no getting used to it, not ever, not even after almost three years, but at least she knew she could handle it.

Going to Veronica's had been a whim, but one that Lucy had been all too glad to act on, in need of good company these days more than usual. There wasn't even anyone left anymore whom she had known as long as Veronica, those early days so far back now that they weren't much more than a blur. Too much had happened since then, too many come and gone. Whether it was a distraction or an outlet she was really looking for, she didn't know, but still she tried for a small smile as she stood at Veronica's door, lifting a hand to knock three times.

veronica mars

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