(no subject)

Jun 27, 2009 02:14

With both classes and elections over, Lucy was left with far fewer ways to fill her time, especially while Ryan was off working with the building crew. There was, of course, always the option of going to watch, but it was loud and it was really only him she was interested in seeing. For a while, she'd toyed around with her computer, but found there wasn't much to do on it but play a few games; just sitting around the hut got old before too long anyway, so instead, she'd changed into a bathing suit, grabbed a couple of books and a towel, and headed out to the beach. It'd been months, but it made her grateful all over again that she had moved in with Ryan. Living out here, where it was both peaceful and well-located, definitely beat living in the middle of nowhere, as much as she might've liked that company.

A while later left her stretched out in the sun in her bikini, a pair of too-big sunglasses on, books set aside in favor of just getting some sun. As she'd been trying to teach herself for a while now, there wasn't anything wrong with doing nothing for a while, and for now, it actually felt pretty damn good.

meg murry

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