you can tell what a life i have from how many entries i post a week.
i was just thinking to myself:
i want to meet a boy.
not just any boy,but one that is completely nuts for me.
a boy that will hold my hand when crossing the street.
a boy who will think of me every second of the day.
a boy who will call me every night and lay awake just to hear me sleep on the other end.
a boy who will act the same even in front of his friends.
a boy to take care of me when im sick.
i want something so special no one else has it.
i want people to envy us.
and wish they could be like us.
i want a boy that i can brag to people about non-stop.
i want a boy to cuddle with when im sad or lonely.
i want a boy to be there for me.
to be soo fascinated by what i do.
and will think im the most amazing girl he will ever meet.
a boy that i can kiss all i want.
a boy to admire me for me and not what i look like or what i have.
a boy that will walk me to my door and look me in the eye while saying goodnight.
a boy that isnt afraid to let his feelings out.
to say i love you to when the time is right.
to kiss in the rain.
to dream about and wake up with a smile.
to joke around with and laugh about lame stuff.
i want a boy that will sing to me or just sing with me period.
even if he isnt the greatest singer in the universe.
a boy to go to the beach with and just walk through the water and be happy we are together.
when i get a relationship i hope for it to be like what you have just read plus more.
i want someone to love or care for soooo soooo bad right now.
especially since summer is comming up.
it would be wonderful.
sometimes i;m just too scared to fall.
but most of all just scared that i won't find someone.
and if that happens. i'll just have to be a dyke and hit on girls.
hopefully that wont happen.
but for all the guys reading this.
i DO think i'd make a great girlfriend.