Anyone who is a frequenter of the Cheezburger network has probably heard of the main sites - LOLCats, Failblog, ROFL Razzi, Kludges etc, but there's a whole plethora of lesser publicised (i.e. they don't have their own tab on the home page) that are made of more awesome than some of the main pages (but not better than LOLCats, because that would be impossible). As they don't have their own tabs, I tend to forget they exist, but from time to time I remember to go and look.
One of my favourites is "Lovely Listing" - a site that finds inexplicable, weird, and ugly property listings, and then makes fun of them. However, like Cakewrecks, they take a day out of the week, NFSWednesday (Not For Sale Wednesday) to highlight some weird and wonderful properties that are not for sale. Oh, and they also have a thing about those ubiquitous white plastic garden chairs
You have no idea how much
I want a house like the one at the top of this post. Seriously. And then you'd all want to come and stay!
Here's the creator's website with more photos, the how, the why and the cost (which is less than a middle of the range second-hand car).
Also, I think the OP is bang on
in this latest post. I look at the middle photo and I can HEAR the rings coming down to transport someone to a mother-ship! (Let's not be pedantic and point out that they are in fact ANCIENT transporter rings, stolen co-opted by the Goa'uld.)
this one just makes the space geek-lite in me go SQUUUEEEEE! Can't you hear the Thunderbirds theme in the background? (If you have no idea what that is,substitute "James Bond" instead. If you don't know of either Thunderbirds or James Bond, then I can't help you.)
If I find it, I'll have to post the listing for the smallest "flat" in the whole universe. And yes, it is in London.