Ranting, ranting...

Feb 04, 2007 13:29

I am so glad I didn't vote for any Liberal candidate - let alone John Howard.
He's a lawyer - and he has so misjudged the voting public.
It's time for him to fuck off.
Normally, I don't comment too much on politics, but I am deeply disgusted by the crap that's been happening in Oz over the last decade. Sick to death of the toadying attitude of the Howard government towards the Bush administration. Totally, totally embarrassed and appalled over the treatment of David Hicks in Guantanamo - what the fuck is that? The environment? Hasn't he been taking ANY notice of what's been having overseas? We are getting so insular, where once we prided ourselves on having a bit of an idea of our place in the world, we have totally lost it.
David Hicks - get him out - now!

Apart from that - life is good.

Actually watched a few minutes of telly last night. There was something on Nein about 'The Secret'. So totally misjudged that one! Here's me thinking the secret to life is love - and I find out the first 2 things are 'gratitude' (which I didn't have a problem with), then 'visualisation', which I sort of do - but only after I watched them spout on about cars and houses. (I'll bet that made a lot of sense to some poor bastard making a living on a Philippines garbage dump.) What a load of crap. I could care less about what the third thing was, so I went to bed. I still think the secret to life is love. All kinds of it - find love in your life, and you're home and hosed.

Sort of watching Cricket - off and on. Go, the Kiwis and the Poms! Didn't Freddy look gorgeous when they won the other night? I reckon it's the first time he's really smiled since he got here. Someone should point out to the Aussies (and Matthew Hayden in particular), that arrogance is a very unattractive trait in winners. If you can't be genuine, fake it. For me, it's been a very disappointing season because I was hoping for a contest. Looking forward to next season already. The good news is that with the upgrade of Adelaide Oval happening, it means our application for membership will have moved up a few notches. Yay, us!

Found some lovely icons I may feel compelled to use at some stage. Am hoping to upload a mood thing also.... thanks to - http://mediocrechick.livejournal.com/ and also http://xcited4apathy.livejournal.com/ wow!
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