Welcome 2009!

Jan 01, 2009 20:52

Bye 2008 and Welcome 2009!

Recollection of 2008
  • Finally finish off my part time degree course in Sept ( which is something like a never ending story)
  • Bought the largest purchase in my life, a flat with my pumpkin. =) A bigger step into our relationship in a good way.
  • 2nd anniversary with pumpkin and many years to come.
  • Moved on from NCC after about 3 years there, hoping that I didn't make a wrong choice to steer away from research.
  • Survived 5 weeks of single life without my pumpkin when he went for detachment in aussie. ( not as easy as I thought)
  • Went Hong Kong with my pumpkin. First trip overseas just the two of us.
  • Become a better person in terms of handling people relationships and being less stubborn and better temper. very proud of myself! but there' still room for improvement.
  • Better relationships with my family and my future family.
  • passed Basic Theory after much nagging from pumpkin. =/
2008 had been quite a fulfilling year but definitely not fantastic. with all the economy crisis, environmental changes and changes with the priorities in life. Let's embrace 2009 and hope that it will be a great year with good career, pink health and warm fuzzy relationships.

it's cliche to pen down my 2009 resolutions but here are some goals for myself this year.

~ To get my driving license.
~ get promoted and better opportunities at work.
~Better people relationships. to make more friends and less enemies. haha i am quite anti social and cynical at times. =P
~ to shed 10kg and become slimmer. in case, there's a big day to look forward to in Sep. (will reveal the big day if it comes true)
~to love and appreciate my pumpkin more. sometime I can be quite a tyrant.
~ To improve the communication channel with his family.

Not too many to keep and I am sure I should be able to type all these down when 2009 comes to an end. =)

Happy New Year!

pumpkin & melon, 2009, family, love, reflection

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