Travelogue : Bali

Aug 14, 2010 23:14

Hubby wanted to go somewhere different for our annual trip. He wanted somewhere relaxing, not too much walking and the main point is to rest, relax and rejuvenate. So off  to Bali, The Land of Gods. Aunty Flo decided to pay me a visit and hop on for a free trip to Bali. Fantastic timing isn't it? So the plans for sea sports went down the drain. T___T

The flights to Bali were of awkward timings and that allowed me to attend a conference in the morning before heading off to the airport.

We are very much LCC fans, cheap tickets. It only cost us $200 to fly Bali!
We were served choco muffins and water on the plane! service totally improved and we didnt have to buy ourselves more drinks on the 2.5 hours flight. I entertained myself with True Blood and Max as usual dated 周公.

We landed in Bali around 2310 and was greeted by the rows and rows of pamphlets offering day tours and guides. Bali should be The land of tourism. too commercialized for my liking and going through the customs took us a good 30 mins. -.- freaking slow can??!?!? and the custom area is freaking stuffy. warm + stuffy = grumpy me.

I wasn't really used to landing in a sub standard airport. The airport staff were smoking everywhere in the airport. You can imagine how bad the air is with 20-30 people smoking in an air-conditioned enclosed area. *chokes, cough cough* We had a hard locating the belt to collect our luggage. We were stuck at the customs long enough to have someone unloaded all the luggage from belt and left all over at this area with a pathetic stand that had only the flight no. *Open mind, open mind, don't let this ruin the vacation* was all I can do to console ourselves.

The weather that greeted us didn't really helped. Raining cats and dogs and elephants, flooded airport and crowded waiting area, the only saving grace was the villa's driver was standing at a prominent spot and I didn't have to look hard for him.
The Balinese working attitude can change in matter of seconds. The driver was telling us how bad the weather was and it's very difficult to go drive the car over to the pick up point. So Max got me to get drinks for him and one for the driver. After offering the drink to the driver, very promptly he ran across the road, NO the rain was still as heavy as ever.  If we didn't offer him a drink, we would most probably have to wait till the rain stopped. -.-"

Traffic in Bali is crazy and with the rain and all, it was a crazy ride to the villa.

We were greeted with welcome drinks while waiting for them to check us in. yummy guava juice. =)

We were scooted off to our one room villa with private pool by the villa's buggy.
Lovely villa room set up. I had to tell Max not to jump onto the nicely laid out bed before I snap some photos. =p

Gorgeous right! We spent the rest of the night spraying insecticide and burning mosquito coils. There were army of mosquitoes in the room but thank goodness the bites weren't itchy.

More of the private pool and shared pool in the next post!

pumpkin & melon, pat-mase, travel:bali

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