(no subject)

Jan 01, 2006 20:53

i've just been looking back on some stuff that i've written in the past (essays, journal type things, random crap) and have realized i'm kinda good at writing, it seems so distant and like someone else might have written it, but some of it's kinda deep. lol. it's just kinda weird to look back at stuff like that, at my thoughts and stuff. i soo recommend people to do it. dig out some essay you wrote a year or two ago. it just makes oyu realze that you have grown, still think the same way or the complete opposite, or that you have some deep thoughts that merit being shown to others (if u actually do show 'wm is a diff story). but yea, that's what i realized today.

i wrote this a hella while a go, april '05. i was thinking about using in a fic i will eventually write (hopefully ::crosses fingers::) :

*Adult: You're just a child, what do you know about fighting or battle? What do you know about war? I'm, we're, supposed to be protecting you, do you not understand that?

*youth: Yes, i understand, completely. What, you think i'm some kind of idiot? Someone who needs his(her) hand held? I know there is a war going on, and and that people are losing their lives everday. and that no matter what there is always going to be someone somewhere who trys to make these awful things happen. but you what? i'm not just going to sit here, waiting for it to come get me. i am going to do whatever possible to make sure that if we can't prevent this big bad from coming, then i'm sure as hell going to be prepared. what do i know of war? nothing, except what a few history books have taught me. and i know that would never be enough to reach even a billionth of what it's really like, but i can still learn from it. you say i'm just a child, that i need protection, but you know what, someday that child will grow up. there's nothing you can do to stop it either. one day i'll not be a child any longer, and when that day comes, what are you to do? you won't be able to protect me anymore will you? you act like i'm the one who doesn't understand, maybe you should take a look in a mirror, 'cuz your face has denial writen all over. you say you're protecting us, your children, that you're fighting a war so that we can have a future- well what happens when you're no longer around? what happens if the bad guys win? what happens when we're all that's left? i'll tell you what happens- we're left defenceless. another big bad comes to town and we are voublnerable, weak, because you didn't give us a chance to train ourselves. to protect ouresleves. truth is, you're not fighting this war, we're not fighting this war...all of us are. man, woman, and child. you can't stop us, in the words of some singer whose name i can't remember at the moment, "you won't fool the children of the revolution. the children are the revolution."

please don't steal this, i'm quite psyched that i actually wrote this and to have someone steal it would just fuckin' suck. as u can tell (can u?) it's gonna be for an HP fic. kinda has some buffy slang ("big bad") but what can i say, i grew up watching buffy, the lingo will stick.

i was inspired by this:

"Take the points, take them all for all I care," he told Snape in a quiet voice that nevertheless carried throughout the hall. "Do you really think it matters-- points, or who wins the Quidditch Cup, or the House Championship? Look around you, sir! We're at war. A few days ago two of my housemates died, and I'm supposed to care about points and petty house rivalries?" Harry looked around the room at the silent, shocked faces of his schoolmates. He raised his voice so that he could be sure his next words would be heard. "Well I don't care. None of these things matter. What matters is defending ourselves, doing whatever we can, whatever possible, to fight against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. And while we remain divided by these false separations of houses and points and competition, then we'll never be strong enough to fight."
"You're children," Snape hissed, looking very much as if he wanted to smack Harry. "The war is not your concern. It is ours to wage."
"You're waging the war," Harry replied, his own anger rising, "but we'll be the ones to fight in it! And how can we fight Voldemort when we're too busy fighting each other?" He looked around the room, trying to gauge whether or not his words were having any effect at all. Some of the students were nodding as if they agreed with him. Others--mostly Slytherins, but some people from other houses as well--were smiling in delight, probably wondering how many more months of detention Snape would give him for this. But most of them simply looked confused and uncertain and suddenly, Harry realized why. He had not given them a solution to the problem of division...
Harry took a deep breath and, with a nod of encouragement from Hermione, spoke again. "I quit," he announced simply. "I quit the Quidditch team, and I quit Gryffindor. I love my house, and maybe in different times, in better times, it would be all I needed. But these are not those times. A reckoning is coming, coming soon, and we all know it. And when it comes, bravery won't be enough to see me--to see any of us--through. What is courage without intelligence, without loyalty, without cleverness and drive? On the battlefield it will mean nothing. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw... these are meaningless categories that only distance us from each other. We all lost friends this Christmas, and we'll lose more if we continue to fight amongst ourselves. You can join me or not," he finished in a low, harsh voice, "but either way I refuse to recognize the divisions between us. We're all wizards in brotherhood and that," he said with a meaningful glare at Snape, "is what matters."
Without making a conscious decision to do so, Harry reached up and ripped the Gryffindor badge off his robes. He lit it on fire with a murmured word and a flick of his wand. The school watched in stunned silence as it burned. Harry strode from the Great Hall, too filled with emotion to look back.
-"Harry Potter and The Watcher's Council" by drea23
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