And there's more....

Sep 17, 2005 10:11

Just got a call about another craft fair, this time in Suffolk, quite a drive away, but I said I'd do it anyway. That's 3 fairs in the next 2 months! Not bad. And there I was thinking the winter months would be a time to relax a bit! Still...I love it!

Had time to reflect on the goings on with my friend, Sue. I think all this has made us better friends somehow. We only ever knew each other through work (at the library) and always got on well there. It was so nice to bump into her again during the summer, because we had lost touch somewhat when I stopped working there, though not so nice when things all went a bit weird with her. Now she is getting back on track it's easy to see how things could have gone had we not talked. Communication is so important! If you let things go on, they fester and blow up out of all proportion, then the paranoia sets in and that makes it all seem ten times worse. I'm glad we had our chat and I'm glad she got help as a result of it, but more than that, I am glad that it has made our friendship more important as a result! I think maybe all friendships need these little episodes, or you just start taking things for granted. Friends are important! At least they should be!
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