Today has been the worst day I have had in a long, long time.
The first thing to happen is that I stupidly did not repair my tyre that picked up a screw and then I have let my spare go flat. So, um… to the rescue. Except he didn’t feel very knight-in-shining-armour-ish and launched into a scathing attack on how irresponsible I am while he was down on his kneed pumping up my tyre. We drove round the corner and dropped off my other tyre and so that was dealt with. I feel I am in for more nagging when I get home.
Dad brought mum with him for some fresh air as she has been home since Thursday without moving and is going slightly crazy. She popped in the office and the boss Stuart was really pleased to see her and they went for a talk. They were just generally chatting but someone overheard a tiny snippet, but their own spin on it and rushed off to tell other people.
Basically, a woman called Margaret who was going to be made redundant due to lack of work has had to do some of mum’s stuff while she is off sick. It was that, or have no job at all. She was horrible to mum while mum was still here (even after mum had been diagnosed) and she is a nasty, cruel bitch. Anyway, whoever went running to her with the snippet they heard only got half the conversation; mum was actually commending her work and encouraging the boss to keep Margaret (who has a disciplinary hearing today about something else unrelated to mum, but about her attitude in general). To cut a long story short, mum was not aware of the meddling of this poisonous little eavesdropper and she popped in to say hello to Margaret who went crazy at my mum, yelling at her and shouting and accusing her of all sorts of nasty things.
Mum tried to calm her down and explain but she became more aggressive and in the end, my mum just walked away. I found out about all this just by chance because I called mum about something at home about an hour later and she was still very upset.
Well. I saw red and went around to confront Margaret and I went absolutely and utterly ballistic. I was completely and utterly livid with her and you better believe I tore her a new one, gave her a few home truths and told her I was willing to make a complaint about her. I totally lost it. To be honest, I was so full of rage I scared myself and I was shaking and struggling to get my breath after I had done it. She just stood there red-faced with her mouth open because in 13 years of working here, nobody has ever seen me go like that.
Anyway, I stormed out and went to my boss immediately and told him exactly what I had done there and then. He took my to a different office, calmed me down and hugged me when I got into tears. I explained that my mum is fighting for her life and she comes in and has to deal with this woman’s pathetic shit? Margaret may think it’s a big deal but I really don’t. She is such a vindictive character, petty, small minded and really nasty. My boss was sympathetic and understood and said I wasn’t in any trouble. In addition, he said he would be going to see her and being it up in the disciplinary as well.
Once I calmed down a few hours later, I did go and apologise but it more or less went I have come to apologise, it wasn’t right to speak to you like that and I regret shouting and losing my temper. But I meant what I said and you still ought to be ashamed of yourself.”
So I then had to call my mum and tell her what I did. Bearing in mind when this woman first started being a bitch to my mum, I was told to stay out of it and keep my mouth closed by mum. I thought she’d be furious, but instead she got choked up and said thank you. She said I had told Margaret all the things she wanted to say and just didn’t have the energy to.
This is my mum, FFS! And that bitch was yelling at her and going off on one while my mum is ill? She really is a stupid, selfish, narrow minded, nasty bitch. When I apologised she just nodded. I said to her “Margaret, how would you feel if it was your mum battling cancer and someone was bullying her when she was really ill? What would you do?” She had the decency to go red and look away.
So. That was the day that was.