Witchwinter 2007-2008

Aug 09, 2007 17:47

While I would like there to be another Witchwinter this year, I am concerned about hosting it on Livejournal with the current climate. I would like to host it on Livejournal as usual, but I do not want to put the participants in danger. I also do not want to limit the fest to G-rated material, and I no longer trust that such material would be entirely safe, even if we did. There is no telling what will fall under "Questionable Content". I am considering hosting it on InsaneJournal, and I've reserved the community there in case it comes to that.

If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment or email the mods at witchwinter@gmail.com. We would love to have feedback from past participants and watchers. There will be another post here when we decide what to do. :)
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