Dec 29, 2005 18:37
I hate my sattelite internet. It's always down. It works great when the weather is good, but come the slightest bit of rain and the signal goes to nothing. It's really frustrating. Especially since I've been wanting to apply for jobs and the damn thing is always "not lock to network timing." Last Monday when the technician came out to repoint the unit he said the biggest problem is water builiding up on the lens. He said that after it rains water builds up on that lens and interferes with the signal and if it's wiped off we'll get better reception. That made perfect sense because I've noticed that even after the weather becomes clear after a hard rain it takes awhile to regain a good signal. I guess I could go dry the bloody thing when it builds up water, but yeah right, like I really want to go climb on the roof in the rain to wipe off the lens of our sattelite dish. I've been trying to think of an invention that will somehow shield the lens, but not interfere with the signal. If I had reliable internet access I would look for some ideas online. Ha ha, isn't that a joke.