The Runaways:
witchsupreme: 22. Sorceress Supreme. Trainwreck.
ofwisemen: 22. MacGuyver mad scientist. Crippled and angry.
cibervengador: 21. Cyborg. Humanity is always debatable.
wasaflowerchild: 21. Alien. Sometimes, the only sunshine they have.
freakinsweethat: 16. Mutant powerhouse. It's Power Girl to you, buddy.
bridelikeyou: 21. Alien. The conquering hero.
The X-Men:
rocksforbrains: 21. Rock ghost. Punmeister.
The Allies:
mayhavepeace: 20. Nomad. She's the sheriff around these parts.
congranpoder: 19. Spider-Woman. The only real Spyder left.
guerillagoesmoo: 18. El Toro. You know what they say about bulls and horns.
The Avengers:
heavymettled: 21. Mettle. Always been big, always been mellow.
hugling: 21. Captain Marvel. Gay alien Jesus who has taken the hardest knocks.
inmyamerica: 21. Captain America. The shield fell at his feet.
hititthenquitit: 21. Hawkeye. HBIC and the best shot around.
shieldpiercer: 18. Phobos. The God of Fear and Secretary of Defense. Don't try to beat him at X-Box; you will not win.
thesoundandthe: 24. Quake. Nick Fury's special little snowflake turned Top Cop of the world.
The Masters of Evil:
enchantreth: So ething hot right now.