This is when the blog owner, Macon, flounced his own blog. I'm posting this because it ties in with the reasons why I'm for chivalry and think BW really need to think critically about it and not just go along with what privileged, WW think about it. Here's my last words on that and how the BW there were treated:
RVCBard, Rochelle, and especially soul,
Against all better judgement, I'm posting here (let's see if this comment even gets through), not because I value this site. It's proven it's basically like any and all discussions of race with WP, null AND void. I'm here to ask all of you to STOP POSTING HERE.
No, I don't think you're making BW look bad or am at all embarrassed by you. But I see you all, ESPECIALLY soul, getting abused (YUP I SAID IT) here. The SAME tactics used to abuse a person in a relationship are the same ones used in racism and they are being used here. Obfuscation, twisting of words to make the utterer seem like the bad guy and therefore deserving of the abused piled upon them and outright fuckin' LYING about them.
And all for what? How long have all of us been on here? How many comments did we leave? How many words did we write? How much of our hearts have we poured out? And what has been the result. I swear it's like Day fuckin' ONE around here. WP's minds go into automatic reset when it comes to racism. They learn something and then their minds seem to get wiped of all that knowledge. Either that or THEY JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
I've been talking about race on the internet in various forums for almost 15 years. I've TRIED talking to WP about race in person for longer than that. I WAS once one of the "Good Darkies" constantly trying to be the shining example of Negrohood and a "credit to my race" to show and convince WP that Blacks were not only human but as good as they were.
I've finally come to the conclusion that is all pointless. Utterly pointless.
WP haven't learned ANYTHING. Well they have learned to barely mask their utter hatred and contempt for PoC, but not very convincingly. It constantly peeks out. They've learned how to obfuscate and appear non-racist while keeping every ounce of their White privilege. They come on these sites not to learn but to quibble and debate and dissect to see what the LEAST amount of effort they must do to keep us from complaining. They don't want to get rid of racism or White privilege. They just want PoC to stop complaining about it so they won't have to feel guilty anymore.
I urge you all to leave to save yourselves. These people do not deserve your thoughts and words however carefully crafted or dispassionately delivered. They really don't.
They really don't want ANY BW here. In fact, one of them has complained that somehow, we evil nigger bitches are keeping his precious Asian women from participating here. Typical. So fuckin' typical it's sickening.
August 4, 2010 3:23 PM