Nov 30, 2010 17:18
to get off of OJ's jock.
Now, this is not going to be some screed about how OJ is innocent or didn't do it. To me, OJ is some Negro that had no use for Black people till he got into trouble and then expected us all to have his back. In fact, my opinion on whether or not he did it is not at all in question. So don't even try to bring that ish into play.
I was watching a show on National Geographic about various conspiracy theories. This one was about Amelia Earhart. One guy was claiming she was shot down and taken prisoner by the Japanese and that there were enough witnesses and evidence to support this. The old, White crackpot then mentioned that if there had been such evidence that OJ would have been found guilty.
I wondered why oh why did dude have OJ's name in his mouth about some ish that ain't had jack to do with OJ, that happened damn near sixty years before the trial?! Then I remembered a Family Guy episode about OJ and recalled various White celebs that STILL mention or talk about OJ with seething anger even after all these years.
It's been how many years now, sixteen? And y'all STILL carrying that giant grudge against OJ? And I mean a huge, rabid grudge too. I wondered at the huge outrage at the verdict from Whites at the time. Now I wonder at the anger Whites are STILL carrying against this man.
OJ is not the first rich man to use his wealth and status to get himself out of a legal/criminal justice jam. But his is the first, widely publicized BLACK one to do it. And this has to be juxtaposed against the crime he's accused of committing, killing two White people, obscure White people, but all the way White no less. Many Whites at the time were pissed he used his money to hire a legal dream team. I guess OJ was supposed to just take his Negro punishment like a good darkie without any resistance and not actually try to, you know, fight back or defend himself.
And as I alluded to, I think most of Whites' ire at OJ is because he was a Black man that did what countless rich White men have done in the past, use his wealth to get himself out of a legal jam. Don't believe me? Look at the differences in how Whites treat OJ and how they treat Roman Polanski. Polanski was accused of drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. Dude didn't even stay around for the verdict. He skipped the whole damn COUNTRY to hole up in France and CONTINUE to make films! At least OJ stayed throughout his trial. I haven't heard the continuous vitriol aimed at OJ being aimed at Polanski all these years. You got Hollywood stars saying we should all just forgive and forget and let Roman come home scott free. I bet those stars can't find a decent word for OJ though. And OJ can't get NEAR a film now because of White folks' rage at him.
And if folks want to pretend that Whites' hatred of OJ isn't at all race-based, look at how badly they talked (and STILL do) about the jury that acquitted him. The jury, as I recall, had 9 Blacks and 3 non-Blacks (correct me if I'm wrong about that, it's been a while). The Blacks got the blame for the acquittal. Whites even went so far as to say it was "payback" for the Rodney King police brutality trial (And even if it was revenge, can you blame them? How long do you all expect Black folks to just keep taking your shit, honestly? And don't give me that mess about "two wrongs not making a right" when Whites are def about getting their wrong in first and then waggling their fingers in Black folks faces lessen we think of retaliating.). The Black jurors' intelligence was maligned; they were constantly called all kinds of stupid (gee, that was unpredictable) and they were accused of having bullied the non-Black jurors into agreeing with them. We have the stereotype of the non-thinking, dumb Negro, the overly-emotional, irrational vengeful darkie, and the violent, uber-intimidating Black all rolled into a big ol' hatefest.
The prosecution got some of the blame as well. Being a White woman and a Black man, they were safe targets. They were even compared unfavorably to the predom-White dream team as being soundly outclassed. Yup, White America gave both their misogyny and racist, anti-Black hatred free reign in badmouthing the prosecution. Everyone just knows if it had been handled by White men, they'd have trounced Johnny Cochran's nursery-rhymie defense. The woman and the darkie were too stupid to have researched Mark Fuhrman and learn he was a few sewn sheets away from being a Klan member (shock that he moved to Idaho after the trial, one of the hidey holes of American White supremacy nowadays). They'd have done better with the whole glove thing. They'd have presented a better case that simply couple circumstantial evidence with White Americas knee-jerk reaction to a Black man merely being ACCUSED of killing not only Whites, but a blond-haired White woman (Let's face it. Whites at the time could have given two shits and a damn about Ron Goldman. They were too busy being outraged that this nigger sullied a WW with his matrimonial Black dick AND got two pickininnies out of her).
It's not even about Whites being angry at OJ. It's about Whites being so damn angry at OJ at the exclusion of other folks, mainly White, who've been accused and CONVICTED of committing similar or equally heinous crimes. Where's the ravenous hatred of Susan Smith? Where are the deaththreats against the leaders of Enron? Why isn't Malkin still brought up by talking heads frothing with anger?
Therefore, I propose, till Whites can exhibit the same ongoing, year in-year out rage at Whites who are accused of committing awful crimes, including celebrity Whites they keep OJ's name out their mouths. And judging by what I've experienced from Whites, orange juice will never be abbreviated again.
racial issues,
done with white people,
race talk,
imma need...,
people need to make some goddamn sense,