Old guardians theme.

Dec 24, 2006 14:02

Three adjectives that describe you:

Strengths: I'm said to be kind-hearted, sensible ( but it's kind of a two edged sword, as I get hurt and insulted way to easily ), diplomatic, emotional, sweet, curious, caring, polite, funny ( I guess that I'm pretty... unfunny, to be honest ), and hard working ( can get pretty lazy though pasted this from my edited application, so I dunno ). I kind of dunno about my strong points, so I asked a few people about it.

Weaknesses: My weak personality points? I'm shy, insecure, nervous, clueless ( even though I try hard not to be ) naive, restless, worried, timid, confused, indecisive, stubborn, impatient, too emotional, oversensible, bad tempered, paranoid, perfecionist, obsessive, secretive, a bit self centered, delusional and a procastination, I also have some anger, communication and self confidence issues, a guilt complex and may procastinate at times. Sometimes I keep my emotions, my thoughts to myself and act either too serious or too silly. As for habilities and other weak points, I'm bad at sports and things like math and chemistry. I suck at cooking too, to be honest.

Any career that you've always wanted? Something to do with arts. Maybe designing clothes, that would be neat. I love designing clothes, even though I know that I have lots to improve.

Favorite place and why: Anywhere near the sea. The sea makes me feel kind of calm and happy0. I'm alergic to sand and sea salt, though. Go figure.

Fears: Being alone, unloved, left by my loved ones. Being a huge failure. I have a huge fear of failing and being hated by the ones I care about, and I also worry about hurting then, without realising it or something. I also kind of dislike large dogs, and just between you and me, I'm afraid of loosing control over myself and hurting people, be it by actions or words. Hum...

What kind of people do you tend to become friends with? I'm not sure. They're usually outgoing, as when I'm with shy people, neither of us talks at all. Quite friendly too, friendly enough to want to be friends with little miss insecurity and indecision here.

Check all that apply to you:
[] Prideful
[x] Vengeful
[x] Silly
[] Wise
[] Mature
[x] Immature
[] Compassionate
[x] Stubborn
[] Easy going
[] Confident
[] Leader

Favorite old guardian: ^_^ I don't really have one, I love then all!

Anything else? Thanks for the votes, and I hope this application is okay, eh.
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