Suddenly, I'm reading Tokyo Babylon... again? Wait, wtf....?
"I'm inheriting this shop."
It's Ichihara Yuu- Wataa-sama! OMG
OMG, Watanuki seems to be really determinate... to became the new shop's master. (ok, makes sense)
Oh well, he was her apprentice too (not only her personal slave XD), BUT. The boy is smoking now. (Subaru anyone?)
Yuuko-san, you really are a bad influence. XD (Sei-chan anyone?)
In another side, TRC...: Kuro-daddy wins. ♥
Really lovely touch, the family is reunited again. XD
But FWR... Man, get a grip. Hey, he stopped the loop? o_o Wait. He gives up? He may be Watanuki? D8 (oh god, NO!)
In the next chapter, Watanuki will become a drunker magician. haha do not want.
This boy turning a smokerholic is not funny as you thought, Ohkawa-sensei. We don't want more poor Subaru's. D8