(no subject)

Jan 12, 2007 05:21

The bar is no longer handing out the tainted tofu, but a routine can be just as addictive.

First thing in the morning is yoga, followed by two laps around the lake. Then, a protein shake for breakfast, and then pilates. Another lap around the lake before lunch, which is one slice of low-carb bread and six cheese cubes. Run through the pilates track again before dinner (two slices of cold roast beef and a teaspoon of horseradish sauce), a cool-down lap around the lake and the yoga track again just before bed. The intervening time is spent usually reading by the fire while listening to the subliminal weight-loss tracks on her iPod. And, of course, drinking only water. Around a gallon or so a day, at last count.

Which is not to say that it's always exactly the same. Sometimes, if she has to walk the last part of the afternoon lap, it's only four cubes instead of six. Get distracted reading and skip the evening pilates? Only one slice of meat, and no horseradish. Variety's the spice of life, after all.

It's working, though, which is what really keeps her going. She's lost over twenty pounds already. Not that you'd really notice under that heavy coat she's taken to wearing against the winter cold that she now seems to feel all the time.

She still goes by 'Angie' and still eschews the black witch's hat, but being cut off from the tofu has meant that some of the effects, at least, have filtered out of her system. She's abandoned the term 'Wiccan' in favor of the more correct 'witch', but couldn't do a proper spell to save her life. The notion that 'Daddy's money will fix anything' has gone out the window, which is why she was relieved to see her name on the new hire list. Perdita's presence in her head no longer requires therapy, but is merely a quaint fancy of the beautiful model she'll one day be.

She hasn't been back to Jack's world since the tofu took hold. Clearly, his telling her she was beautiful when she was obviously fat and ugly was just a way to hold her back from her goal. It was a demotivating influence, and had to be cut out. But lately, she's begun to miss his arms around her in the night, even if they couldn't get all the way around.

Angie just keeps telling herself that one day, it'll all be worth it. All the scrimping and sacrifice will be worth it when she's thin and beautiful and everyone loves her.
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