I believe that many have already encountered
this person. Her name is Yukari Yakumo, she is from my world, and I suppose many of you have a negative opinion of her already. I am here to give you a warning.
Yukari Yakumo, despite her appearance, is an old and powerful youkai, or for those not familiar with the term, a supernatural entity. In my world, she has powers comparable to gods...perhaps greater than gods. The important thing is that she is not human, she is not remotely human, she does not see the world the way humans do. I would not call her "evil" so much as that she has different concepts of "good" and "evil" due to her nature. I have seen her capable of both kindness and cruelty, although mostly she is mischievous on a rather large scale.
My warning is simple. For the sake of your own comfort, do not interact with her. She finds much amusement in...playing with the lives of others. If you grab her attention, she will more likely than not...target you, so to speak. At the same time, it is bad to ignore her; that is only more likely to make things worse. If you must interact with her, end the conversation as soon as you can, without making it look like you are ending the conversation. Do not show a reaction to her words, that is just what she wants. The only people that can...restrain her, to an extent, are not here, and even their presence would not have much of an effect.
I am hesitant to say that her chip must not be removed. On the one hand, I am sure many of you agree she is enough of a problem already. On the other hand, she is likely our best chance of leaving.
I am willing to answer any other questions about her.
[ooc: This is after Patchy sees