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Jan 08, 2003 17:56

"Get up and move.. get back in the groove.. get up and fight.. get up and IGNITE!" - Escape From Earth
Download the three mp3's! Rockin stuff.

NSCC has been going well so far.. the Business Administration class is much larger than OIT was.. there are close to 40 people in the class.. and so three of my classes are in the same room due to other rooms not being large enough to fit us all!
My schedule is pretty cool I think.. I only have 3 classes each day except for Thursdays where I have 4.. this is because I completed Spread Sheets in OIT.. so I don't have to show up for that class for over a month until we start Data Base.
I get to sleep in until 8:30 am every morning.. and on Wednesday mornings I can sleep in until 9:30 am!
Some days I am done classes by lunch... so it is awesome.. tomorrow and Friday my Business Communications teacher is gone so I am done classes at lunch those 2 days! :)

I have to complete an online course - Intro to Business this semester.. since I missed that class first semester being in OIT.. and all the BA students already have credit..

Yesterday I went down to the bank to get $$$ for tuition and books... I was third in line so I thought I'd be in and out pretty quick! I thought wrong... an old man was at the teller for a good 20 mins.. and another couple were at the teller for 25 mins!!! Finally, after waiting for almost 25 mins it was my turn! and how long did it take for me to withdraw $XXX? All of 2-3 mins... I hate bank line ups.. there must be a way to improve it so that you're not waiting for so damn long... :(

This morning I went to the NSCC and paid the second half of my tuition ($1,025) and got 3 books for $175... grrr, books cost too much! and I think I may need to buy 2 or 3 more so I can complete some online courses... *not cool*

I stopped into Tim Hortons before I walked home today.. was planning no getting six muffins.. three of which would be chocolate chip.. no such luck! none left... so I just got three.. 2 blueberry and one lonely bananaberry burst! (for my parents.. I don't like those kinds.)

I had Wendy's for supper.. that chocolate frosty was yummy..
My grandmother got $2,000 from her ex-b/f... she lived with him for a few years.. and wanted to be paid back for all the work she did for him (cleaning, taking care of him and his things)..
She gave my dad $1,000 because he mentioned it to my grandmother's ex b/f.. and he agreed to giving her some money!

My mom is giving nailboy $50.. and she asked me if it was ok if she did that and gave me NOTHING because I work and he doesn't! WHAT!? He doesn't work and he gets $50 handed to him for what really!? I work.. yes.. but it's not as if I rake in big $$$! So I convinced her to give me $50 too! It's only fair.. :P

So right now I have approx. $500 in my Royal Bank account (Tim Hortons working)
I have $2,150 locked away and another $3,500 in the Nova Scotia Bank!
That is all money I have either earned working.. or received over the years during my birthday/Christmas/etc!
Net worth of Witchy = approx. $6,150

So immorak is at work... wish I was told that before... ! -_-

Well, nailboy and I are going out to play in the snow like two little children!

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