Newsletter - August 2008

Aug 20, 2008 16:19 Mailing List - Newsletter for August 2008

Long time, no update... ah, the life of a wage-slave. Too much work, not enough time... same ol' song and dance. I'm trying frantically to catch up on un-answered email, so don't fret if you're waiting for a reply from me. It *is* forthcoming!

Anyway, on with the show:

New Artwork/updates
New foto work (self-portraits)
I have recently rediscovered my interest in self-portraits. Maybe it's self-inspection, perhaps just narcissism. In any case, new photos have been added here:

Website revamped
My 'official' website ( ) has been revamped. I'm not entirely happy with it yet, but it is definitely an improvement. You can now leave comments, and I've added an RSS feed ( ) for updates on new artwork and shows. Stop by, kick the tires and take a look around. Let me know if you see any problems/bugs.

YouTube video by Wake LeRoux
Wake LeRoux put together a cool video about my artwork at Club HELL. You can check it out on YouTube here:

Upcoming Events
Club HELL, August 27th
We're back at Club HELL. After taking a month off, Angie and I are returning to Club HELL!

Join us for a night of dancing, drinking and a group art show featuring work by Larry Holdaway, Angelina Cardone and many others.

If you like dark art, loud music, bare skin, tight vinyl or black leather... or any combination of thereof... then this is the place for you!

August 27th 2008 | 9pm-2am | 21+ | $10 cover

FREE entry before 11pm, if you mention my name (Larry Holdaway) at the door!
FREE vodka shots before 10pm! (while supplies last)

@ the Ivar/facade
6356 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Model Call
Artist and painter (and my wife!), Angelina Cardone, recently began series of highly-stylized paintings featuring members of the goth/industrial/body- mod subculture(s).

Basically, she's looking for women with tattoos, piercings, body-mods, or unique looks; who are willing to pose nude for photo-studies that will be used as the basis for her new paintings. (Women only, for now... sorry boys, there are already too many men willing to stand naked in front of a woman holding a camera!)

Examples of Angie's painting may be found here:

If you are interested, then please contact Angelina Cardone via her website or on one the of the following social networking sites:

Thanks for your time!
Larry Holdaway

art show, self portrait, angie, newsletter

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