End of the year update...

Dec 31, 2006 17:59

It's been quite some time since I've made a substantial/meaningful blog post. Here's a little something to make up for that:

2006 Summary:
  • I finished my first semester at CalArts.  So, is it really worth $30k a year?  I'm not sure yet. I took too many classes (a situation that will be remedied next semester), so I ended up a bit overworked and burnt out(as usual).  There are a lot of dumb kids here at CalArts.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  For this much money, I shouldn't have to deal with ladybugs being released in the middle of class, fire alarms at 1 am, or suffering the presence of fools who trash the equipment that I need to use while showing no interest at all in making art of any consequence.  Yeah, I know I sound like a grumpy old man, but I've worked too hard and too long to get here.  On the positive side, I have learned a lot, met some amazing people and started some new art (I'll post photos soon).
  • Speaking of new art...  Angie and I are having an art show here at CalArts on Thursday, Feb 8th, 2007.  I will post details and directions here (soon).  Please assume that you are all invited!
  • Another date of note...  Angie and I are getting married on July 21st, 2007.  Details are still up in the air.  The only things certain are the date and the ceremony will take place somewhere, here in SoCal..  We are trying to plan something fun and unique, but within our budget (which at this point is $0...).
  • On the topic of money: for those of you who are aware of my tuition situation for next semester... Santa was NOT forthcoming.  I guess it's now up to the mighty MasterCard to save the day.  If you know of any quick and dirty freelance webdesign or programming gigs out there, please let me know.
I suppose that I should come up with some New Year's resolutions by tomorrow.

Happy New Year's Eve!  Be safe!

angie, new year, marriage, calarts

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