worst webhost ever: fuitadnet.com

Nov 12, 2006 01:45

Well... if anyone was wondering what happened to my website, or if you've had the pleasure of dealing with outsourced tech-support... then check this out:

My trouble ticket: http://www.fuitadnet.com/forums/showthread.php?p=52152

and five days of IRC live-support (via India...):

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Tue Nov 07 16:09:57 2006
[16:09] *** #fuitadnet: larry adam FNET-Nilesh FNET-Ranjeet Tizen Norse JOHNMARTIN Akimbi
[16:10] *** #fuitadnet was created on Wed Oct 25 10:40:21 2006.
[16:11] larry: hi, can someone please check on my site www.bluestarfolly.com (Ensim6). It's completely gone. All I get is the default Apache/Cpanel page (pls note, that I'm on an Ensim server).
[16:13] FNET-Nilesh: checking larry
[16:14] larry: thanks
[16:19] FNET-Nilesh: larry: Server was brought down for the security & hardware emntainance
[16:19] larry: when I can I expect my site to be back up? - my email is non-functional as well
[16:20] FNET-Nilesh: We are still working on the issue to make all sites visible asap
[16:20] FNET-Nilesh: please check out the status within couple of hours
[16:21] larry: a couple of hours? that's unbelievable.
[16:22] larry: can I expect a billing refund for the down-time?
[16:24] FNET-Nilesh: yeah can be refunded as per TOS if applicable :)
[16:25] larry: oh, it WILL be applicable
[16:32] JOHNMARTIN: Hello Nilesh
[16:44] *** JOHNMARTIN has left #fuitadnet.
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[16:45] *** scrawl70 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[16:49] *** FNET-Ranjeet has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[16:54] adam: any idea on roughly when viki.ca will be up?
[16:58] *** Arvidsem has joined #fuitadnet.
[16:59] Arvidsem: Is there a reason that ensim6 is now a cpanel box?
[17:04] *** Arvidsem has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Tue Nov 07 17:18:02 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Tue Nov 07 22:33:37 2006
[22:33] *** #fuitadnet: larry asoa Akimbi FNET-srikanth FNET-Kunal adam Tizen Norse
[22:33] *** #fuitadnet was created on Wed Oct 25 10:40:21 2006.
[22:35] larry: Can someone please check on the status of my site www.bluestarfolly.com on Ensim6. It went down about 11 hours ago and I still haven't gotten a response on my trouble ticket: SSW-532790
[22:37] *** adam has signed off IRC (Quit: Leaving).
[22:39] larry: Kunal, Srikanth... anyone?
[22:40] FNET-Kunal: larry we are working on it.
[22:40] FNET-Kunal: I will get it done in sometime.
[22:42] larry: "sometime" ? what does that mean, exactly? in the "meantime" I have no email and no website. It would be nice (professional) to give an explanation as to what has happened and why it is taking so long to fix.
[22:44] *** You have been disconnected. Tue Nov 07 22:44:18 2006.
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[22:44] *** larry_ has joined #fuitadnet.
[22:44] *** #fuitadnet: larry_ larry asoa Akimbi FNET-srikanth FNET-Kunal Tizen Norse
[22:44] *** scrawl86 has joined #fuitadnet.
[22:44] *** scrawl86 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[22:47] larry: so, how about an explanation as to what, exactly, is wrong with my site?
[22:49] FNET-Kunal: server has been taken down for maintenance
[22:49] larry: according to Sharon, the server has been back up for quite some time.
[22:51] larry: I can ping the server, it responds to POP and FTP requests, I can get to the Ensim login, but all of my accounts are gone (so I can't log in), and all of my content is gone... but the server certainly is not "down"
[22:53] FNET-Kunal: we had to reload the OS due to some unrecoverable problem on the server.
[22:53] FNET-Kunal: site restoreation is in process.
[22:53] FNET-Kunal: which will take sometime.
[22:54] larry: ok - next time, why don't you give me the "full" answer the first time? telling your customers to "just wait" is a perfect way to lose them.
[22:55] *** adam has joined #fuitadnet.
[22:56] adam: FNET-Kunal, what's the eta on that perl module?
[22:56] FNET-Kunal: you ticket will be updated as soon as it is done.
[22:57] adam: what's fuitadnet's policy on giving out full sudo priviledges?
[22:57] adam: seeing as it's a virtual server n all
[23:39] FNET-Kunal: larry_
[23:40] larry: yes?
[23:40] FNET-Kunal: your domain files has been restored.
[23:40] larry: ok, let me check
[23:41] larry: ok, thanks. It looks like my .htaccess is hosed, but I can probably fix that myself
[23:41] FNET-Kunal: let me know if anything is left
[23:41] FNET-Kunal: you may have to recreate your email accounts.
[23:42] larry: ok
[23:42] FNET-Kunal: your domain control panel should be working now.
[23:42] FNET-Kunal: please check if you can login.
[23:43] larry: yes, I can login. looks like it's a different version of Ensim, though
[23:43] FNET-Kunal: yes it the newer verison
[23:44] *** scrawl42 has joined #fuitadnet.
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[23:46] asoa: kunal is my prob solved?
[23:48] FNET-Kunal: it will take couple of hrs. more.
[23:51] asoa: k
[00:17] *** FNET-Kunal is now known as FNET-Kunal-BRB.
[00:18] *** asoa has signed off IRC (Quit: Quitting!).
[00:24] *** adam has signed off IRC (Quit: Leaving).
[00:26] *** asoa has joined #fuitadnet.
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[01:52] *** FNET-Kunal-BRB is now known as FNET-Kunal.
[02:03] larry: Kunal - there is one thing that needs to be reconfigured on my site (www.bluestarfolly.com) after the restore: www.larryholdaway.com should be re-added as a domain alias.
[02:03] FNET-Kunal: ok
[02:04] larry: thanks
[02:05] FNET-Kunal: alias added
[02:05] larry: thank you again
[02:05] FNET-Kunal: your welcome
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Wed Nov 08 02:39:58 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Wed Nov 08 11:47:50 2006
[11:47] *** #fuitadnet: larry FNET-Nilesh sharkman Chris zer1to slankau FNET-Ranjeet Chris-Laptop JOHNMARTIN Akimbi Tizen Norse
[11:47] *** #fuitadnet was created on Wed Oct 25 10:40:21 2006.
[11:49] larry: Hi can someone please check on my site www.bluestarfolly.com (Ensim6, ticket #SSW-532790). It's down again. No http, pop or ftp.
[11:50] FNET-Nilesh: larry: Restoration is still under process.
[11:51] FNET-Nilesh: So you could expirence some downtime
[11:52] larry: it was back up about 6 hours ago. what has happened in the meantime? - I would like a technical answer, please.
[11:52] FNET-Nilesh: yeah remaining users are still under restoration...
[11:54] sharkman: the restoration was missing many files so we need to do another restoration
[11:55] larry: ok - I had to manually restore all of my email/ftp users. Am I going to have to do that again?
[11:57] FNET-Nilesh: yeah if you cant see them via cpanel...you need to recreate them larry
[11:57] sharkman: well hopfully it will fully restored
[11:58] FNET-Nilesh: yeah complete sitebacup do contains emails too
[11:58] FNET-Nilesh: so no worrys
[11:59] Chris: sharkman
[11:59] larry: yeah, no worries... except for all of the email and business I'm missing out on in the meantime..
[11:59] Chris: can any of your support team actually spell?
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Wed Nov 08 12:00:01 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Wed Nov 08 22:26:59 2006
[22:26] *** #fuitadnet: larry tgies_ FNET-srikanth slugbug FNET-Kunal JimmE Chris Chris-Laptop Akimbi-Away Tizen Norse
[22:27] *** #fuitadnet was created on Wed Oct 25 10:40:21 2006.
[22:29] larry: Hi, what is the status on the Ensim6 issues (www.bluestarfolly.com)? It looks like server is up, but FNet's nameservers aren't returning NS records for my site.
[22:40] larry: ok, let's try this again: Hi, what is the status on the Ensim6 issues (www.bluestarfolly.com)? It looks like server is up, but FNet's nameservers aren't returning NS records for my site.
[22:44] *** scrawl76 has joined #fuitadnet.
[22:45] *** scrawl76 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[22:51] larry: Kunal or srikanth... can I get a response please?
[22:53] FNET-srikanth: kunal working on this issue
[22:55] larry: does it really take 25 minutes to tell me that?
[22:56] FNET-srikanth: no just i am waiting for kunal
[22:56] *** FNET-srikanth has left #fuitadnet.
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[22:57] *** FNET-srikanth has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[23:05] larry: Kunal, what's the situation with my site (www.bluestarfolly.com on Ensim6)? It looks like FNet's nameservers aren't returning NS records for it.
[23:06] FNET-Kunal: larry we are restoring nameserver. it should be up in next couple of hrs.
[23:09] *** sirgib has joined #fuitadnet.
[23:10] larry: ok, I'll be checking back in the next couple of hours then.
[23:10] sirgib: Hi Kunal, ftp on php121.com appears to be down
[23:11] FNET-Kunal: chekcing
[23:13] FNET-Kunal: try now
[23:13] sirgib: wokring, thanks
[23:13] *** sirgib has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
[23:29] *** FNET-Kunal has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
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[00:16] *** FNET-Kunal is now known as FNET-Kunal-BRB.
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[00:50] *** You have been disconnected. Thu Nov 09 00:50:58 2006.
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[00:50] *** larry_ has joined #fuitadnet.
[00:50] *** #fuitadnet: larry_ FNET-Kunal-BRB larry tgies_ slugbug JimmE Chris Chris-Laptop Akimbi-Away Tizen Norse
[01:07] *** FNET-srikanth has joined #fuitadnet.
[01:18] *** tgies_ has left #fuitadnet.
[01:32] *** FNET-Kunal-BRB is now known as FNET-Kunal.
[01:45] *** scrawl07 has joined #fuitadnet.
[01:45] *** scrawl07 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Thu Nov 09 01:59:47 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Thu Nov 09 09:33:42 2006
[09:33] *** #fuitadnet: larry sharkman FNET-Ranjeet FNET-Ashutosh Hi-psi asoa FNET-Sunil Tizen_ JimmE Chris Chris-Laptop Akimbi-away Norse
[09:33] *** #fuitadnet was created on Wed Oct 25 10:40:21 2006.
[09:39] larry: Hi, can I get a status report on my site (www.bluestarfolly.com) on Ensim6? Kunal said it would be back up 8 hours ago and it is still down. It's been three days now.
[09:42] FNET-Ashutosh: hello larry
[09:42] FNET-Ashutosh: let me check
[09:42] larry: thanks
[09:43] *** asoa has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 181 seconds).
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[09:49] FNET-Ashutosh: larry i am sorry we are still investigating the issue on the server
[09:50] larry: It looks like the nameservers are refusing to return NS records for my domain.
[09:50] *** FNET-Sunil is now known as FNET-Sunil-BRB|DINNER.
[09:50] FNET-Ashutosh: yes right , kumar is already working on the issue and it will get fix in few hours
[09:51] FNET-Ashutosh: we can understand the inconvenience causeing to you , kindly bear with us for few more hours
[09:51] larry: That sould be pretty easy to fix. 8 hours ago, I was told it would be "a few hours"
[09:51] larry: I've been bearing with you for 3 *years* now... and I'm just about ready to leave
[09:52] FNET-Ashutosh: there are few othere issue's also on the server, he will be fixing it
[09:53] larry: yeah, I've heard all of this before.
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Thu Nov 09 09:53:12 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Thu Nov 09 16:57:35 2006
[16:57] *** #fuitadnet: larry adam Chris Akimbi-away FNET-Rahul sharkman Norse FNET-Dinesh
[16:57] *** #fuitadnet was created on Thu Nov 09 13:27:45 2006.
[16:59] larry: Hi, can I please get a status report on bluestarfolly.com (Ensim6)? It's been down for three days now. And please, don't tell me to "wait a couple of hours" - because I'm *very* tired of hearing that.
[17:08] FNET-Rahul: larry ensim 6 is brought donw for secury updaet
[17:09] larry: yes, that's what they said 3 days ago... and then it was back and you were doing a restore, and then the restore didn't work, so you had to do it again, and I was told it would be back 12 hours ago - so... what is the problem *now*? (since from what I can see, the nameservers are not returning valid NS records for my domain)
[17:23] larry: so, you have no idea what's going on?
[17:34] larry: anything, or should I just go find a new webhost?
[17:44] *** scrawl14 has joined #fuitadnet.
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[17:45] larry: So, no technical answers from "tech" support?
[17:50] larry: Rahul, you can either give me a straight answer, or I can copy/paste this conversation to Sharon. All I want is an answer, and some reassurance that there is some sort of competent work being done to resolve the issue.
[17:53] larry: Ok, Sharon it is.
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Thu Nov 09 17:53:10 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Fri Nov 10 04:09:07 2006
[04:09] *** #fuitadnet: larry asoa chrisX FNET-Sachin FNET-Sunil FNET-Nilesh FNET-Ashutosh FNET-Manager FNET-srikanth FNET-Kunal Chris Akimbi-away sharkman Norse
[04:09] *** #fuitadnet was created on Thu Nov 09 13:27:45 2006.
[04:11] larry: I need to get a status report on my site (bluestarfolly.com) on Ensim6. It has been down for three days now.
[04:20] larry: hello?
[04:21] FNET-Manager: larry we had a huge problem with server.
[04:21] FNET-Manager: We are migrating accounts to a new server. You will receive fresh welcome email by 10 am.
[04:22] FNET-Manager: Current email and files and database will be present on new account.
[04:22] larry: Why has it taken 3 days to get a straight, technical answer?
[04:24] FNET-Manager: The origianal server was compramised. And we restored it from scratch. Ensim was up and running we started to restore sites using a script. The script resulted in a mess. Sites were getting up but with wrong data and wrong info. So we had to start things all over again.
[04:24] FNET-Manager: for the 3rd time
[04:28] larry: Listen, I used to work tech support for AT&T. Just some friendly advice: don't ignore your customers, don't tell them to "try back in a few hours" (which I was told twice a day for 3 days) - tell them *exactly* what is wrong, as soon as they ask. Post quick updates to their trouble tickets - just a line or two to let them know that something is being done. Otherwise, you (and your team) end up looking incompetent.
[04:29] FNET-Manager: I understand larry
[04:31] larry: This has been the same pattern that I have experienced from FNet's tech support for the last two years. I made these exact same suggestions back when they fired their canadian staff. This is simple the worst customer service I have ever had to endure.
[04:31] Norse: 2years ago Kumar was here btw :P
[04:31] Norse: i think :P
[04:32] larry: yeah, he was, but the bulk of the support staff was still in Canada
[04:35] *** You have been disconnected. Fri Nov 10 04:35:50 2006.
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[04:35] *** larry_ has joined #fuitadnet.
[04:35] *** #fuitadnet: larry_ larry asoa chrisX FNET-Sachin FNET-Sunil FNET-Nilesh FNET-Ashutosh FNET-Manager FNET-srikanth FNET-Kunal Chris Akimbi-away sharkman Norse
[04:37] *** JimmE has joined #fuitadnet.
[04:37] JimmE: hello
[04:42] FNET-Sunil: Hello JimmE
[04:43] JimmE: could I trouble you to refresh a couple of domains on the nameservers please, I'm going away for a few days and would like these done for my clients before I go :)
[04:43] JimmE: eastcornwalldivers.co.uk
[04:43] FNET-Sunil: Please provide your domain names.
[04:43] JimmE: lauramorgan.co.uk
[04:43] JimmE: ollietd.co.uk
[04:44] FNET-Sunil: Ok, just a moment.
[04:44] *** FNET-srikanth has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
[04:44] JimmE: thank you
[04:44] *** scrawl88 has joined #fuitadnet.
[04:45] FNET-Sunil: Hello JimmE, are these under reseller account ?
[04:45] *** scrawl88 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[04:45] JimmE: yes, reseller magnapc.co.uk
[04:45] FNET-Sunil: OK, thanks
[04:46] JimmE: no problem
[04:49] FNET-Sunil: Please stand by JimmE.
[04:55] JimmE: ok Sunil
[04:57] Norse: can one of the FNET guys see if i have SSH enabled on my account?
[05:04] FNET-Sunil: JimmE, your sites will start working in sometime.
[05:05] FNET-Nilesh: Norse: may i know your doman name?
[05:08] Norse: forumhost.co.uk but i have to go out very soon
[05:08] FNET-Nilesh: I will make it enable right now..you can check it later on
[05:08] Norse: thanks
[05:09] Norse: yay the fun of having a massive backup file, gotta use SSH to download :P
[05:09] JimmE: thankyou Sunil
[05:09] *** Julio has joined #fuitadnet.
[05:09] Julio: Hi all
[05:10] FNET-Sunil: HI Julio.
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Fri Nov 10 05:10:43 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Fri Nov 10 21:38:43 2006
[21:38] *** #fuitadnet: larry ub3r_ FNET-Kunal chrisX Chris Akimbi-away Norse
[21:38] *** #fuitadnet was created on Thu Nov 09 13:27:45 2006.
[21:43] larry: Hi, FNet's nameservers still aren't returning NS records for my domain (bluestarfolly.com) on Ensim6 - and yes, I did receive my new welcome email.
[21:44] *** scrawl33 has joined #fuitadnet.
[21:45] *** scrawl33 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[21:52] larry: Kunal?
[21:53] FNET-Kunal: larry new server restoration is under process. More than 80% of the accts. has been already migrated.
[21:53] FNET-Kunal: once migration is done we can get the bad server down and replace it with the good one.
[21:54] larry: yes, I know that - but the *nameserver* is the issue - it doesn't do me any good to get my account migrated, if the dns won't resolve
[21:55] FNET-Kunal: it will start resolving do not worry
[21:55] larry: I was told "do not worry" on Tuesday morning.
[21:56] larry: I'm now 4 days behind on 3 projects because of this. I am *losing money* - I think I have every right to worry
[21:56] ub3r_: Hi, FNet's nameservers still aren't returning NS records for my domain (bluestarfolly.com) on Ensim6 - and yes, I did receive my new welcome email.
[21:57] ub3r_: ;; QUESTION SECTION:
[21:57] ub3r_: ;bluestarfolly.com. IN NS
[21:57] ub3r_: ;; ANSWER SECTION: [21:57] ub3r_: bluestarfolly.com. 172800 IN NS ns1.fuitadnet.com.
[21:57] ub3r_: bluestarfolly.com. 172800 IN NS ns2.fuitadnet.com.
[21:57] larry: http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.ch?domain=bluestarfolly.com
[21:58] ub3r_: i'd say it's wrong then. My lookup ran just fine.
[21:59] larry: it's not resolving for me, or any of my customers - so it looks right to me.
[21:59] ub3r_: oh yeah, they aren't.
[21:59] ub3r_: well, the parent nameservers are answering, but the ns1/2.fuitadnet.com nameservers aren't
[22:00] larry: yup
[22:00] ub3r_: does ensim have dns record editing capabilities in it's reseller panel? I know cpanel can.
[22:01] larry: I can't even get to my ensim control panel - despite my new welcome email - it's still rejecting my login
[22:02] ub3r_: sounds like they didn't setup the account.
[22:02] larry: i think it's time to shop for a new webhost - after 3 years, it kinda sucks, but 4 days of downtime it too much
[22:03] ub3r_: webhostingtalk.com is a good source for info. Don't always buy from the cheapest providers.
[22:44] *** scrawl71 has joined #fuitadnet.
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[23:03] *** asoa has joined #fuitadnet.
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[00:42] FNET-Kunal: larry your domain should be up now from the new server.
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[00:45] larry: is the new IP address
[00:47] larry: (so I can modify my HOSTS file until the DNS change propigates)
[00:54] larry: kunal, what is the correct IP? when I do a DNS lookup, my domain resolves to, but when I try to log in to that server, it rejects my username/password.
[01:10] FNET-Kunal: yes larry its
[01:10] FNET-Kunal: thats the new IP for new server
[01:11] larry: ok - it's rejecting my login
[01:11] FNET-Kunal: ok a min.
[01:20] FNET-Kunal: larry I am resetting your domain passwd as it is in billing
[01:20] larry: ok
[01:23] *** ub3r_ has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[01:33] Chris: larry
[01:33] Chris: from what i understand about this company
[01:33] Chris: is
[01:33] Chris: that there just money grabbing shits
[01:33] Chris: FNET sucks
[01:33] Chris: and cant configure a server correctly
[01:33] Chris: nor spell english.
[01:33] larry: my first year with FNet was good, but the last two have been rough
[01:34] larry: but I have more pressing issues...
[01:34] larry: Kunal, I can now login to Ensim, but I am unable to gain ftp access. In addition, all of my cgi scripts are gone.
[01:34] Chris: it takes over 3days to sort your issues.
[01:34] Chris: and its "please wait a few hours, dont worry"
[01:36] Chris: larry, just google Sharon Koifman
[01:36] Chris: you'll see all the unsucessful hosting attempts.
[01:37] Chris: System UpTime :: 5days 21hours 53minutes 30seconds
[01:37] Chris: laptop:)
[01:38] larry: Kunal, any ideas why I am unable to access the server via ftp?
[01:39] Chris: fnet doesnt know anything about configurations, bind or linux in a whole. they just try to do everything from whm root
[01:39] FNET-Kunal: a min larry
[01:39] larry: thanks
[01:39] Chris: google it FNET-Kunal
[01:40] Chris: http://www.google.com
[01:40] Chris: :)
[01:42] *** asoa has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
[01:44] FNET-Kunal: larry please try now.
[01:44] FNET-Kunal: sorry larry I had to keep you waiting. I am also updating server settings side by side.
[01:44] Norse: Kunal do you have any control over the transfers and such FNET does?
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[01:45] larry: no problem. I now have ftp access - thanks. Do you know what happened to my cgi scripts?
[01:48] larry: also, I can log into ftp now, but I don't have permission to upload or change files.
[01:50] Chris: lmfao
[01:54] Norse: just wondering, anyone here transfered a domain away from enom?
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[03:03] *** You have been disconnected. Sat Nov 11 03:03:20 2006.
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[03:03] *** larry_ has joined #fuitadnet.
[03:03] *** #fuitadnet: larry_ larry FNET-Kunal chrisX Chris Akimbi-away Norse
[03:06] *** FNET-Sachin has joined #fuitadnet.
[03:13] larry: Kunal, I still cannot upload or change any files, and all of my cgi scripts are missing.
[03:13] *** FNET-Nilesh has joined #fuitadnet.
[03:19] *** chrisX has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
[03:19] *** FNET-Sunil has joined #fuitadnet.
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Sat Nov 11 03:22:28 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Sat Nov 11 12:05:47 2006
[12:05] *** #fuitadnet: larry FNET-Ashutosh FNET-Dinesh Michael Norse Akimbi-away
[12:05] *** #fuitadnet was created on Thu Nov 09 13:27:45 2006.
[12:13] larry: Hi, I'm still having some major issues with my domain bluestarfolly.com. It was on Ensim6. It's back "up" now, but there are 2 major problems: 1) all of my cgi-scripts are missing, and 2) when I log into ftp, I don't have permission to upload or change any files (so I can't fix problem #1)
[12:14] *** FNET-Rahul has joined #fuitadnet.
[12:19] larry: ok, let me ask again... Hi, I'm still having some major issues with my domain bluestarfolly.com. It was on Ensim6. It's back "up" now, but there are 2 major problems: 1) all of my cgi-scripts are missing, and 2) when I log into ftp, I don't have permission to upload or change any files (so I can't fix problem #1)
[12:19] *** sharkman has joined #fuitadnet.
[12:23] larry: Is anyone even looking into my problem?
[12:23] FNET-Rahul: Yes larry
[12:23] Norse: Rahul can you split a tar.gz file for me into smaller pieces?
[12:24] larry: it would be nice if you said something, rather than letting me wonder for 10 minutes.
[12:24] FNET-Rahul: larry can you name the any one of the script name ?
[12:26] larry: I had about 30 scripts. 403.cgi, artIP.cgi, AuthMe.cgi, ban_option.cgi, etc, etc.
[12:26] FNET-Rahul: ok thank you larry
[12:26] FNET-Rahul: give me minute i will check
[12:27] larry: I tried to upload one last night (menu2.cgi) via my control panel, but all I got was an empty file that i can't delete.
[12:35] FNET-Rahul: larry can you check the scripts now please
[12:37] larry: ok, they are there now, but 1) they do not run and 2) I still don't have permission in ftp to upload or change files
[12:38] FNET-Rahul: what error your getting larry
[12:40] larry: 550 permission denied - when I try any in ftp, and 500 internal server error when I try to execute *any* of my cgi's (they all worked before the server problem)
[12:44] *** scrawl32 has joined #fuitadnet.
[12:44] *** scrawl32 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[12:59] Norse: Rahul are you able to split a tar.gz for me?
[13:01] FNET-Rahul: Norse give me minute am checking larry issue
[13:01] Norse: ok
[13:02] *** FNET-Ashutosh has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
[13:04] FNET-Rahul: larry its need to be check
[13:04] FNET-Rahul: I will forward your issue to senior tech he will look into it
[13:05] larry: is this regarding the ftp issue or the cgi issue?
[13:05] FNET-Rahul: cgi issue larry
[13:06] larry: what about the ftp issue - if you can fix that, then i can at least put up a message telling my visitors what is wrong with the site
[13:07] FNET-Rahul: can you PM me login so i can check from my end larry
[13:07] larry: it's the same as my billing
[13:10] larry: it gives me 550 permission denied any time I try to upload, modify or delete a file via ftp
[13:28] *** Michael has left #fuitadnet.
[13:32] larry: Rahul, please update what you find out to this ticket: #SSW-532790. I have to go work.
Session Close (#fuitadnet): Sat Nov 11 13:32:18 2006

Session Start (FuitadNET Support:#fuitadnet): Sat Nov 11 18:33:16 2006
[18:33] *** #fuitadnet: larry sharkman FNET-Dinesh Norse Akimbi-away
[18:34] larry: Hi, has there been any progress made on my issues in this ticket: #SSW-532790 ?
[18:37] *** FNET-Dinesh has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
[18:37] *** #fuitadnet was created on Thu Nov 09 13:27:45 2006.
[18:48] *** scrawl83 has joined #fuitadnet.
[18:48] *** scrawl83 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[19:26] *** You have been disconnected. Sat Nov 11 19:26:15 2006.
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[19:30] *** #fuitadnet: larry sharkman Norse Akimbi-away
[19:30] *** #fuitadnet was created on Thu Nov 09 13:27:45 2006.
[19:36] *** Sage has joined #fuitadnet.
[19:37] Sage: well
[19:37] Sage: lovely.
[19:38] larry: yup... hasn't been any support around for about an hour...
[19:38] Sage: Shift change most likely.
[19:38] larry: they logged off about 3 minutes *after* I asked a question.
[19:39] larry: without answering, of course
[19:39] Sage: har.
[19:39] Sage: What was the question?
[19:40] larry: oh, just want a status report on my ticket... for my site that's been down for 5 days... you know, no big deal
[19:40] Sage: which server?
[19:40] larry: ensim6
[19:40] Sage: hm.
[19:44] *** scrawl64 has joined #fuitadnet.
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[21:03] *** larry_ has joined #fuitadnet.
[21:03] *** #fuitadnet: larry_ Sage larry sharkman Norse Akimbi-away
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[23:27] *** Sage has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[23:39] *** You have been disconnected. Sat Nov 11 23:39:49 2006.
[23:39] *** -irc.fuitadnet.com- *** Notice -- motd was last changed at 25/10/2006 12:51
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[23:39] *** Channel re-joined successfully.
[23:39] *** #fuitadnet: larry larry_ sharkman Norse Akimbi-away
[23:39] *** #fuitadnet was created on Thu Nov 09 13:27:45 2006.
[23:41] *** larry_ has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
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[00:15] *** You have been disconnected. Sun Nov 12 00:15:12 2006.
[00:15] *** Automatically rejoining channel...
[00:15] *** larry_ has joined #fuitadnet.
[00:15] *** #fuitadnet: larry_ larry sharkman Norse Akimbi-away
[00:36] *** FNET-Ranjeet has joined #fuitadnet.
[00:37] larry: Hi, has there been any progress made on my issues in this ticket: #SSW-532790 ?
[00:44] *** scrawl97 has joined #fuitadnet.
[00:44] *** scrawl97 has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[00:47] larry: Ranjeet, has there been any progress made on my issues in this ticket: #SSW-532790 ?
[00:48] FNET-Ranjeet: what is the issue in that ticket?
[00:48] *** asoa has joined #fuitadnet.
[00:49] larry: My site has been down for five days. Currently, FTP is rejecting my login and none of my cgi perl scripts will run. The domain is bluestarfolly.com, the server is Ensim6.
[00:49] asoa: larry_ please come back in a few hours
[00:50] asoa: our senior techs are working on it ... we will fix the problem shortly
[00:50] larry: I've heard that same line for *five days* now. I WILL NOT COME BACK IN A FEW HOURS. I am LOSING MONEY BECAUSE OF THIS.
[00:51] asoa: we apologise for inconveniences .. but our seniors are working on it now
[00:51] larry: I will, however, start looking for a new webhost. Obviously, FNet doesn't need my business
[00:52] asoa: larry_ i have already advised you that our seniors are now working on ur issue
[00:55] *** asoa has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds).

Maybe, someday, I'll get my website back...
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