Aug 16, 2010 19:55
Somewhere sometimes... I stop to think. Maybe things could be better. Yes, that would make it a regret. I don't regret anything though... Then again to not regret is to have never lived. I think I have lived. Not what I want but it is a life.
Then I do have regrets... For not living the life I wanted, for going through things that my brain and the pit of my soul said no to; things I wanted to see but were not there. So this is the mistake, here is the regret and I must make it worth having lived for. It means being a little wiser, cautious, and happy. Happy with where you are at the present moment.
Some things to be grateful to regrets is to find your identity. Sometimes that is stolen. Well, maybe not stolen but definitely lost. You lose it with no hesitation. You forget what matters... Then you find yourself destined to be alone. You think you will be alone, actually. You think that you won't find your way through this strange epidemic. It feels like a sickness through your body until one day you walk a little more. Take a few extra steps.... And see....
And hear.
All I want to do is realign my back and lay on the sand in the middle of the night...
Things like this will make life alright. I could count the stars that hide in the light of the city. Look at clouds that form darker than the night. Sing the songs I know in my head make me smile. Think of the regrets and hope for a lifetime of them.