May 09, 2006 08:14
Where did you take your default picture?
It's a pic of Merry Brandybuck from Lord of the and a friend in college always said that we were like Merry and Pippin when we were together
What exactly are you wearing right now?
Grey socks, blue briefs, blue checkered pj pants, red MT shirt, quidditch toboggan, my necklace, Jess's necklace, my bracelet Jess gave me
What is your current problem?
Debt and Jess
What makes you most happy?
Acting and making my parents proud
If you could go back in time and change something would you?
Yes, one thing
Name something obvious about you:
I have long hair
Name something that people might not know about you:
I count stairs when i go up or down them because I'm OCD
What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Kiss Me Red - Crispy
Any celeb you would marry?
Anne Hathaway
Name someone with the same birthday as you?
My mother
Do you have a crush on someone?
Sure do
Ever sang in front of a large audience?
What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Black coffee or strawberrys and creme frappe
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yes, lots of people think I look like Kevin Smith (Silent Bob), Al from "Home Improvement", and I've gotten Russell Crowe and Robert the Bruce from Braveheart
Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
All the time
Do you speak any other languages?
Fluent in French
What magazines do you read?
Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo?
Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
Do you ever watch MTV?
Not since I moved from Conway and watched Mtv 2 and Mtv Hits there
What's something that really annoys you?
The management at my job
Chapter 1:
Middle name:
Sputnik, Sexy, Gay (Rob gave me that one)
Current location:
My bedroom
Eye color:
Chapter 2:
Do you live with your parents:
Do you get along with your parents:
Yes, but my mother and I are a lot alike so we butt heads constantly
Are your parents married/separated/divorced:
Do you have any siblings:
2 younger brothers
Chapter 3: Favorites
Ice cream flavor:
Don't like ice cream too much
John Freida's Brilliant Brunette
Chapter 4: Do You
Sing in the shower:
write on your hand?
Call people back:
It depends on if I want to talk to them
Believe in love:
Sleep on a certain side of the bed:
Not unless I sleep next to someone...I usually sleep in the dead center
Wear glasses or contacts:
Contacts, but I want some glasses too
Have any bad habits:
Yes...I drink, smoke, swear, take tranqs and engage in "pleasures of the flesh"
Chapter 5: Have You Ever
Broken a bone:
I was born with a broken collarbone and Iberco broke my finger at work
Gotten stitches:
Yes, on my finger and my foot
Taken painkillers:
Gone SCUBA diving:
I HATE the water
Been stung by a bee:
Slept with your contacts in overnight:
Every night
Thrown up in a restaurant:
Yes, but only at RonJon's
Been to overnight camp:
Sworn in front of your parents:
Had detention:
Been sent to the principal's office:
Yes, but only to help, never for being in trouble
Ever been assigned a detention:
Been called a hoe:
Been called a stank-ass mongoloid elf-tit lookin' sonofabitch?
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last
Person to IM you?
I can't remember
What did it say:
I told you I can't remember
Person to call you:
Person you hugged:
Person you tackled?
I don't tackle people...I kill them
Thing you touched:
The keyboard
Thing you ate:
A potato at work an unbelievable 4 days ago
Thing you drank:
Dr. Pepper
Thing you said:
I love you