Title: Sugared Poison 1/?
Author: Sweetness (aaronlisa@gmail.com)
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and company.
Notes: Written for
40_mixed for prompt #T.30 (wrong). This part is set during Hermione’s Sixth Year and it is Half-Blood Prince compliant.
Summary: Severus Snape is fascinated with his student but he's not sure why.
One of the most important skills that Severus Snape had as a spy was his keen observation, more than once it had kept him alive long enough to make it through another Death Eater’s meeting. He depended on it daily to maintain both his positions within the Order and the Death Eaters. Without his sense of observation, Snape was essentially useless as a spy and his life expectancy would be shortened considerably. Yet as of late, Snape wished that his sense of observation wasn’t as keen as it was or as attuned to Potter and his cohorts as it was. Although he knew that what he was feeling was wrong, Snape couldn’t help the almost obsessive fascination he possessed for Hermione Granger. She had finally grown into her looks and her frizzy hair was a thing of the past. While she would never be considered a great beauty, she was a pretty young woman who continually distracted him.
Despite the fact that she had grown prettier, Hermione would never be a girl who turned heads. Perhaps if she were stunningly beautiful, Snape would be able to rationalize his fascination in Potter’s best friend. He had never been the type of professor who had seen his students in a sexual light. The few professors at Hogwarts who had done so had always disgusted him because he felt that they abused their position of authority and trust that they had been placed in. Yet, Snape still found himself drawn to her even though it defied his own morality, and all rationality.
He would deny his fascination with her and for the most part he was successful in doing so. Then he would catch sight of her biting her lip in concentration as she mixed two potion ingredients together. Or it would be the way that she would stretch in the Great Hall. Or even the way that she would lean towards one of her friends and smile at them when they were discussing something insipid topic. It distracted him and it made his duties both as a professor and as spy even more difficult. No matter what he did, Snape found himself drawn to her. There was something about the Gryffindor know-it-all that seemed to remind him of something or someone. The closer he got to Hermione, it seemed that he got closer to finding out why he was drawn to her. Despite his desire to know, Snape kept pulling back because of the intense feeling that what he was feeling towards her was inappropriate and wrong. For once, he would rather not know a piece of valuable information for the sake of his moral beliefs. Or more accurately for the sake of his own sanity, it was as if he knew that once he found out why he was drawn to her, he wouldn’t be able to pull back. So he became nastier and more spiteful to the Gryffindor to create a sense of more distance between them. He might be a morally ambiguous man to the outside world, but in private he was a very moral man and there were certain lines he would never dream of crossing.