Title: Wedding Day Part I (Part 13/? of
Viva Revenge)
Author: Thea
Witchiepooh Pairing/Characters: Draco/Hermione, Fred, George, Colin Creevey, Harry, Mitchell Bulstrode, Blaise Zabini
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Harry Potter or any of these characters. This plot is mine.
Summary: The big day arrives. Will Draco and Hermione make up? Will
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HAHAHAHA!!!! And I support that Thea. :D
OMG. Where do I begin?
On the Harry Potter "prat-o-meter" - where one equaled "giddy as a schoolgirl" and 10 was for "total prat" - he had reached a scale-shattering 20.
Umm... Is it wrong that I find him even more attractive when he's being the prattiest prat imaginable? Dude - I'm totally with Hermione on this one. Tie him down and show him... you know. I'd do it! :D
And the loincloths/jungle girl outfits!!! *giggles* I'm a big fan of working stuff like this in in a funny way - it's hilarious, but still kind of hot, I'm ashamed to say. *is a big classless perv*
Ah yes, nothing like high-class pureblood manners.
Ooh, I liked this whole section. Absolutely marvelous.
The whole chapter was. DON'T EVER STOP THEA! *pleads*
Damn, you're an enabler! At least I didn't write "Viva Revenge, I can't quit you."
Umm... Is it wrong that I find him even more attractive when he's being the prattiest prat imaginable? Dude - I'm totally with Hermione on this one. Tie him down and show him... you know. I'd do it! :D
Not wrong at all. I think that's why we all love Draco to begin with. :D
And the loincloths/jungle girl outfits!!! *giggles* I'm a big fan of working stuff like this in in a funny way - it's hilarious, but still kind of hot, I'm ashamed to say. *is a big classless perv*
Way back when I first thought about the wedding I knew Draco and Hermione were destined to dress in jungle boy/girl outfits. And darling, you're a classy perv!
Ooh, I liked this whole section. Absolutely marvelous.Thanks -- I just loved the idea of the two women turning insults into sport ( ... )
Oh, you should have!
Haha. You of course know I already love this, don't you? If not, I love it. :P Yay for Blaise. Haha.
And yes, I know you support my "fic habit" and your continued encouragement is much appreciated!
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