Title: The Pensieve: Part Two
Author: Thea
Witchiepooh Pairing/Characters: Eventually Draco/Hermione, Ron, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of these characters.
Summary: Hermione prepares to enter the memories of Draco Malfoy. You can read Part One
Warnings: HBP spoilers
A/N: Thanks to those of you
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one, that the Wizarding world and the Muggle world aren't that far removed, evidences by Hermione's Diet Coke
I think that Hermione, despite being part of the Wizard world now, would hold on to certain Muggle habits and "first loves" -- for some reason I just see her needing her Muggle junk-food fix!
and two, the actual use of research to write the details. It just makes it so much more of an enjoyable read for me.
I'm glad you appreciate that...I feel like this is the first fic where I've really *needed* to do that. My humor fics are so far removed from the events in canon that they exist on an entirely different level. I have done some research for them--but I have more flexibility.
This will be a much greater challenge.
I loved the idea of Hermione's chosen profession...a very unique branch of the Aurors. It made perfect sense that something like that would exist in their world.
I really see the Memoria as the Wizard world's version of an FBI profiler. I like the idea of Hermione trying to *read* a person the way she would a book. But I also think that it is a very dangerous profession for her.
Like Ree, I caught on towards the end that the reason Draco's in his catatonic state is that he's sort of emptied his mind of all conscious thought, I presume as a precautionary measure, to make sure that his memories don't fall into the hands of the wrong people.
Hehe...well, we shall see. There are definitely aspects of that--I haven't worked out everything yet. I have a lot of ideas, but I don't want to just throw them all in the story. They have to fit.
Anyway, thanks again for the feedback. I hope that I can keep this up!
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