Title: The Pensieve: Part Two
Author: Thea
Witchiepooh Pairing/Characters: Eventually Draco/Hermione, Ron, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of these characters.
Summary: Hermione prepares to enter the memories of Draco Malfoy. You can read Part One
Warnings: HBP spoilers
A/N: Thanks to those of you
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I can't wait for the rest. I wonder which memory Hermione will first encounter, and I wonder now how many times she'll go in there, as she only has half an hour on her now.
I quite love Ron, and I'm glad its Kingsley and not Remus who's her boss, in a way. I mean, I love Remus, but seeing Kingsley in that role is quite unusual and refreshing.
Nice work, as always. :D
Yeah, I thought about going further...but I liked setting up first. ;)
I assume that Draco's statulike state isn't just from what he's been through, but because the majority of his thoughts are in the pensive and he isn't really himself without them... or something. Ahem. :P
Uh huh... perhaps ;)
I wonder which memory Hermione will first encounter, and I wonder now how many times she'll go in there, as she only has half an hour on her now.
I think before I write and post the next chapter I'm going to do more research. I have a lot of questions about the dynamics of the Pensieve and so I need to read more about what JKR has said in addition to reviewing the text.
I quite love Ron, and I'm glad its Kingsley and not Remus who's her boss, in a way. I mean, I love Remus, but seeing Kingsley in that role is quite unusual and refreshing. I love Ron too. One of my pet peeves in Draco/Hermione fanfic is when either Harry or Ron are turned into dicks. And yes, as we discussed, Remus ( ... )
And yeah? Have you found yourself a beta yet? Or maybe you haven't even started looking for one?
Also, I don't believe I mentioned this before, but I quite love how you explain what Hermione does. It's to the point, easy to understand for stupid people like myself and it's again, something new and refreshing. Very nice.
And I find myself more and more in love with your layout. It's so easy and just perfect. *secretly wants to ravage it*
Things are looking good :D
And thanks, the layout is just one of the system generated ones :)
And I'm probably not making a lot of sense. Basically, I like it. :)
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