Hello my lovelies. I'm home. And I've got a new sort of post for you. In my attempt to keep myself occupied yesterday, I decided to try one of those "A Day In My Life" photo posts. It's a lot easier to forget how much you miss your family when you're snapping pictures constantly. So I present to you, my Friday in all in dullness. ;)
Wakey wakey. I roll out of bed around 8:15
Bed-Head shot.
I stumble to the kitchen, and am sadly reminded that bills are due.
The breakfast of Champions, no? I'm not a huge breakfast person. I'm usually content with a granola bar and some juice. And yes, I do own a Grey's Anatomy coffee cup.
I'm lying to you already. I never make my bed. Also, I know Christmas is over, but I feel bad about shoving Rudolph back into the dark recesses of my closet for another year. I decide to let him chill till New Years.
Coolest book ever. I think anyone who has ever been involved in the craziness of the Buffy fandom should read this. It's hilarious.
Computer time! I've been away for a week...must catch up on all my podcasts!
Hitting all my favorite spots. Myspace, Facebook, Email, and our very own LJ!
A little OK Go to get the morning going.
Time check. Enough goofing around, I need to get ready...
My arsenal. P.S.
seventypercent, thanks for the MAC swag!
Curling. Side note? I took too long taking this picture, and had a weird curl on the side of my head for most of the day.
My Panda! She's taking me to go pick up my baby from the doctors.
Back to the land of no snow.
My baby! Sasha is ready after her week at the mechanic. She's all fixed up and ready to hit the road.
Time check...I think it's time to use all my Christmas cash to do some shopping.
Stop number one! Buy More Best Buy.
Stop number two! The comic store. Shit, is my geek showing?
I triumphantly return home with my spoils...
Special Edition of OoTP. Complete with creepy DE mask replica and four postcardy things.
Season 4 of OTH and Season 3 of CSI:NY. Oh snap.
Issue #2 of Angel After The Fall. Still kind of confusing, but Spike is oh so pretty.
Impulse buy. It's not Whedon. But it's not bad.
Now it's time to settle in for a little lunch...
...and CSI:NY
Time Check!
Then we enter a slight black hole, wherein Jachelle goes to her room and ends up watching One Tree Hill for four hours straight. By the time I emerge, it's about nine o'clock.
Sam's home!
We go on a food run. Have you noticed I have the worst eating habits ever?
We make ourselves comfy in the living room, eating and watching Pirates 3.
Mmm. Cheeseburgery.
Joey comes home and joins us.
I start falling asleep, so it's up off the couch and off to bed for me.
Obligatory tooth brush shot.
A little reading before bed.
And it's time to say goodnight!