Sep 06, 2010 13:11
[So, after the... very much odd dreams and classes are all done, Tobias is settled in his favorite after-school spot -- the Quad. He's managed to dig the oddly meshed Pokeball (Greatball? Ultraball? Masterball? It's impossible to tell) out of his backpack, still puzzled over the fact that it's still completely empty.
Not that he couldn't say he was unhappy at the crazy Pokemon being gone. And since nobody had reported an orange lizard evaporating into data and burning everything that moved, he let himself hope that the damn thing was gone for good.
So he's simply outside, throwing the ball up and around like some kind of baseball. Does he look silly chasing it around like some kind of infant puppy? Of course. But hell, he was having fun with it, even if he occasionally pauses to reach up and run a hand around one of his eyes, as if checking to see if something's there.]
[pokemon] tobias hayes,
[breath of fire iii] ryu,
[persona 3] ryoji mochizuki,
[one piece] marco