Jul 10, 2010 09:12
[Rock climbing plus lack of good sleep sounds like a terrible idea. Oh-so-terrible. Good thing he ate all the meat he could at lunch--that should keep him going.
Sokka stands in class and rolls his neck before popping his back. If everybody else can do this, he can do it too. He's a great climber! He took all that advice from Aang's crazy dreams and praticed, didn't he? Not to mention that all the sword work has definitely given him some great looking arms.
Lacing his fingers, Sokka nods cracks his knuckles. Stretches his arms over his head and then left right, left right, and down to touch his toes. Okay! Time to rock this class.
... Get it? Rock the class? Rock Climbing?]
[atla] azula,
[kingdom hearts] riku,
[atla] sokka