[Sword envy? Maybe. But she's just pining for her own, since she cant bring it around with her during class hours. Only that knife hidden in her clothes.]
[Auron doesn't have classes and if there is a Garden rule about not carrying weapons in certain areas of the school, at certain times, he'll be sure not to follow it.]
[It's the one thing he can say. It's strange being complimented on a weapon, but at a school for weaponry and magic, it's less surprising.]
Nice blade.
[Sword envy? Maybe. But she's just pining for her own, since she cant bring it around with her during class hours. Only that knife hidden in her clothes.]
[It's the one thing he can say. It's strange being complimented on a weapon, but at a school for weaponry and magic, it's less surprising.]
Have something like it, maybe?
[She's still annoyed about it, especially since... this week they had guns and she didn't enjoy it one bit.]
Any tips for the place?
[He's open to them now, after finding out that some of the students around the Garden do seem competent.]
[But she didn't say they're hard. Because they're not, to her. Decent if you want to sweat, but... not too bad.]
[So far, he's only heard of the plants and the t-rexaurs.]
[Auron doesn't seem happy about it.]
I'll ask around.
Suits you.
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