1. [There's a stranger in the quad today. He just literally showed up out of nowhere but all identification marks him as a Cadet. And he's taking pictures everywhere with a magenta, or maybe pink phone. In fact no place is safe from his relentless picture taking: locations, people, etc. Maybe go bug him about taking pictures of sensitive things?]
2. [It's later in the day and he's taking a picture of several plants in the training room when there's a loud roar that makes him look up. A t-rex is snarling at the young man who calmly replaces the cap on his lens.
Maybe you're a more experienced cadet or a SEED but this young man shows absolutely NO FEAR as he straps on a white camera and pulls out a card.]
[Did he just flying kick that T-Rex in the head?: And the T-rex exploded? Hmm....]