ok so
has anybody heard anything about people going back home from here? or people ending up here from the same world you're from. my best friend's still at home
["and I miss him"-- delete delete. "and he's gonna kill me for skipping out"-- delete delete.
... He'll just add a period and leave it at that.]
and i'm still trying to figure out
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D --> Went home
D --> There was no word or warning
D --> He was just gone
it sounds like some people come back though?
D --> But there is no guarantee
D --> He could reappear within days
D --> Or I might never see him again
D --> Has anyone e%plained alternate universes to you yet
D --> He was from
D --> Well, the best way to describe it is that it was a mirror version of my world
D --> Where everyone's personalities were the e%act opposite
D --> So there were actually two of him for a little bit, as the him from my wolrd is also here
yeah that really sucks. i'm sorry to hear it
hope he comes back.
i'm lea by the way, what's your name?
D --> Paramagic is okay, by the way
D --> It's sort of difficult for me because I am not from a world with magic, but the theory is interesting
D --> It's required for my major though
what's your major?
D --> Intelligence and Battle Medicine
D --> And I guess I shouldn't say that my world doesn't have magic
D --> It just wor% differently, and I'd never bothered with it either
D --> I prefer science
D --> I used to build robots
but i guess you don't have any trouble keeping up if you were that good at science before! robots... that's awesome.
D --> I get bored with classes fairly easily
D --> The engineering class they had here was e%pecially frustrating
D --> I was hoping I'd get to build things again, but it was entirely lecture
D --> At least things should be more e%citing when I become a SEED
D --> I will be here longer than others because of my double major
D --> Actually, I need to select my classes for ne%t semester
D --> I should really stop putting that off
what's with those D arrow things you type?
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