[ Heading down the hall is a very confused and displeased looking teenage boy. He's dressed in normal street wear, has a cat hanging lazily on his head, and sword bag slung over his shoulder. Don't mind the fact that he seems to be talking to no one. ]
What the hell-I'm supposed to be going out to battle, not school!
[ Rin's got his letter of
Read more... )
Clearing the lobby with long strides, he draws up to the other, a slight frown on his face.]
Nii-san--[How does he start? "When did you get here?" "How have you been?" "What are you doing here?" "What's going on back home?"
His eyes flick upwards to Kuro and then back down to meet his brother's gaze.] Did you get permission to have Kuro here? Pets aren't normally allowed.
[Way to be pragmatic, Yukio.]
However, Rin gives him the same stare he'd been giving the letter in his hands. Because the last memory of his brother was shortly before being pulled into a prison demon, so the look of surprise wasn't unexpected from his twin. But he at least was looking for a "good to see you're not dead" or something. ]
Heartless. I get out of prison on the first thing you ask me is if I asked some school head if I could have Kuro here.
You just broke out of prison?
[He'd heard of people coming from different time periods and had fully expected that to be the case with Rin here, since he has the sword with him, but this just might not be the case here.
Yukio's not entirely sure he likes the implications of that.]
[ And his displeased look breaks into a smile. ]
Everyone came and got me, actually. I would have been stuck there if it weren't for them.
And the sword? They gave that to you as well?
Suguro did... but I still can't open it. [ See Rin attempt. See Rin fail. ]
We'll work on it. Together.
So Yukio's words hit home with Rin. ]
Looks like I'll be relying on you again then.
B-but that doesn't mean I won't figure it out by myself either!!
[There's a note of teasing to his tone, and the smile on Yukio's face finally grows warmer.]
Just be sure not to figure it out right in front of the locals.
[The transplants here? They have enough of their own wacky powers; one more person with weird abilities isn't going to shake them up too badly, right? It's not like they'll have to find out the bit about Satan.]
I'm not bright but I'm not that stupid. [ But he probably will accidentally. ]
[ Not that the Satan bit is important... ]
[Yukio goes quiet for a moment, his eyes briefly settling on the sword once more.]
We'll need to speak with the headmaster about letting you keep your sword with you at all times as well.
Why? I can't do that already?
It's against the rules for cadets to carry weapons on campus. [He gestures briefly in the direction of the training center.] You can only use them in the training center to practice.
Not that you'll be doing that either, of course.
[He gives his brother a stern look that dissolves into a smile.]
Bwuh-why?? I have to figure out how to open this thing y'know!
[He gives Rin another winning smile--the type that means trouble for the other if he tries any funny business.]
We'll work something out in private. I still need to keep an eye on you after all.
Why does everyone treat him like a kid. ]
I can't keep my sword -[ Even though Jiji had told him to never let it leave his side. ] I can't let Kuro be seen-this place blows!
You're my jailer here too??? [ He scoffs, aware that nothing he said was really going to be able to change Yukio's mind. ] It says I'm not your room mate though.
[ Waving the letter in Yukio's face now. ]
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