[Still looking for her defective cat, a catnip ball rolling between her hands, Vriska looks far from happy. How hard was it to find a fat, stupid cat? Maybe she should just get Nepeta to look but that would mean asking for help...
Oh. She sees Psiioniic before she sees Signless and purely out of curiosity walks briskly towards them. She had seen Signless before, knowing her memory failed her when it came to their past together, just like with Redglare. Still, she acted like nothing was out of the ordinary.]
Oh good, I thought we needed another Captor in this place.
[He'd been more than happy to just ignore the next troll to come up to them, with his book starting to pointedly rise up further in a silent kind of 'fuck off'.
But of course Signless would start a conversation. Dammit.
Artollo sighs and gives a small nod, lowering the book with his psionics.]
[Just mentioning the cause behind his scars is enough for the Psiioniic to narrow his eyes. Oh, is that psionic energy starting to crackle about? Uuuuuh...
Artollo leans back into Signless' touch, taking deep breaths.]
Any other highly perthonal thingth you feel like thticking your nothe into?
[The way he speaks, so calm and composed... it flounders her. But she tries to brush it off, reaching up to brush back her hair before remembering there is nothing to brush back. Damn it.]
If I were a more curious person, sure. [She gives him a cute smile, fangs glinting over her lips.] Have you met your other two bad body doubles? I'm sure you'd find yourself in good company.
[It's a good thing Signless is here to help calm him down, or else Artollo probably would have flipped out and run off a long time ago. As it is, the ever familiar mantra does have him calm down, and he rubs his eyes with the back of his hand.]
I'm not interethted at all. I can't thay the thame for thomeone elth.
Did they really quash your sense of excitement, Artollo? I mean, it's fascinating. I told you there would be a second Signless, and here he is! Don't you want to know how your own flesh and blood turned out?
[ He grins at Vriska, almost childishly excited. ]
There are two, actually. Of your descendants, I mean. One is six sweeps and the other is a little older than me. [Oh she would love to see him meet her Karkat.
She blinks and shifts in her stance a little, feeling strangely awkward again.] I've been great. Can't get any better with me right now.
Optimithm and the voitheth of the dead don't mix very well. I apologize motht thintherely.
[And that's all he'll have to say on the matter, reigning in his sarcasm. He's honestly not interested in her hair, but he won't make any jabs towards that. It's just... taking a bit of work.]
Oh. She sees Psiioniic before she sees Signless and purely out of curiosity walks briskly towards them. She had seen Signless before, knowing her memory failed her when it came to their past together, just like with Redglare. Still, she acted like nothing was out of the ordinary.]
Oh good, I thought we needed another Captor in this place.
[ He looks down at the Psiioniic fondly, touching his shoulder. ]
Artollo, this is Vriska. Remember, I mentioned I've been in a moirallegiance here?
But of course Signless would start a conversation. Dammit.
Artollo sighs and gives a small nod, lowering the book with his psionics.]
You might have thaid thomething on a morail.
[Although the scars on his face catch her eye and she stares.] What were you in the infirmary for?
[ Signless rubs Artollo's shoulders a little, still looking at him with all the love and affection ever. ]
You might call him my matesprit, but it's...a little different than that. More than just pity.
Artollo leans back into Signless' touch, taking deep breaths.]
Any other highly perthonal thingth you feel like thticking your nothe into?
[Great company, isn't he?]
[ Rub rub rub. He leans down to murmur in his ear, that familiar mantra of their old days- ]
Peace. It's all right. It will be all right.
If I were a more curious person, sure. [She gives him a cute smile, fangs glinting over her lips.] Have you met your other two bad body doubles? I'm sure you'd find yourself in good company.
I'm not interethted at all. I can't thay the thame for thomeone elth.
[He glances back at Signless.]
[ He grins at Vriska, almost childishly excited. ]
How have you been, my dear?
She blinks and shifts in her stance a little, feeling strangely awkward again.] I've been great. Can't get any better with me right now.
[He's lying and they both know it.]
Tho long at they haven't been culled or worth, I'll be perfectly content.
What happened to your hair? It looks...more terrible than usual.
[Instantly she puffs up, shoulders tensing.]
It wasn't a fucking accident, alright?! It'll grow out just- don't fucking look at it!
[And that's all he'll have to say on the matter, reigning in his sarcasm. He's honestly not interested in her hair, but he won't make any jabs towards that. It's just... taking a bit of work.]
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