[ To say that Luna is taking being thrown into an alternate dimension rather well is an understatement. At first it was a little alarming to find herself waking up to an enrollment of an entirely different education program after just leaving Hogwarts, to say the least. But after reading the letter sent by the Headmaster explaining the time
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Startled, Hermione looks up, her eyes immediately drawn to the direction of the voice before the book falls from her hands, hitting the grass on a soft 'thud'.]
[Is this a trick of Time Compression?]
she stops and smiles ]
Oh, hello Hermione.
Oh, Luna! Are you alright? Are you hurt? [Hermione is already checking Luna up for visible injuries, her hand immediately going to the satchel around her wrist to pull out the Essence of Dittany should she need it.]
Oh yes. Aside from a mild headache- though I could see how that might be a side effect of the time compression.
We visited your father-- he told us that You-Know-Who took you as captive. [Even if they were in a new world, the fear of the taboo still hasn't worn off.] Are you sure you're alright?
Well. It certainly wasn't the most pleasant of stays, but as it's been a few months since, I must say that I am most definitely starting to feel better.
A few months?
[Of course she's heard of time discrepancies during her stay here, but she still refuses that it's possible from their world.]
[ behind her blank stare the cogs are lining up ]
It seems as if we have an...interesting situation to deal with.
The struggle is obvious on her features, brows knit and mouth moving wordlessly as she tries to gather her wits. The internal debate is fierce, and finally, finally she asks:]
Everything... everything is well, then?
Well...there is a bit of a mess to clean up.
I can't help but wonder just how much I should be telling you. If the matter of time compression were to ever bring us back to the points we came from, it may have bigger, larger consequences.
[she twiddles her thumbs]
Though, were you to guess, I think I would be quite powerless to control certain reactions to your guesses were you right.
Just tell me... is Harry alright?
The last I saw of him, he was finding a way to leave the party with a cloak on.
So… so that means that Harry did it? That it's over?
[Not that she doesn't trust Luna, but Hermione will have to see Harry for herself to believe that he's alive and fine.]
[ she gives her a dreamy smile ]
But many people we care for are safe.
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