Balamb Newsletter, Volume 2/Issue 3 {Summer Edition}

Jul 20, 2011 01:08

[Come Wednesday morning, as students rise from their beds as usual, they may notice students and SeeDs alike reading a newsletter. It's finally out! Looks like Garden has just released the Summer edition of the Balamb Newsletter. The newest issues are available for free on racks in the Cafeteria!]

KOOKINESS DOESN'T FADE OVER TIME: Odine Laboratory Open to SeeDWINHILL MISSION A DUD: Potential Sorceress Trail Run Cold
By: Sera Leradine
(SeeD #34809, GFC Member)

The infamous Dr. Odine opened his laboratory for Balamb Garden's cadets and SeeDs for a rare visit several months ago. Usually a rather solitary man who turns down interviews and prefers not to be in the public light, the invitation extended to Balamb Garden came as a surprise.

"I've read about him in the textbooks and he seemed like a complete nut, so of course I wanted to see if it was true! When we first arrived to the laboratory in Esthar, he nearly got into a fist fight with another cadet!" Cadet Garrett Reynolds, 17, tells us. "He really was a total weirdo! Not to mention I could barely understand him with his heavy accent…"

"It was an interesting visit-- he showed us around the laboratory, but seemed to be much more interesting in the off-worlders out of all the cadets and SeeDs present. I guess it has to do with the fact that he's still trying to find a solution to reverse the effects of Time Compression that caused them to wind up in this world, but still… kind of unprofessional, if you ask me." Cadet Sarah Sullivan, 16.
"Yeah, it's true!" Cadet Amalia Cohen, 18, chimes in. "But even out of the off-worlder cadets, he seemed to only focus most of his attention on a very specific group. He kept asking about the Emerald sponsorship and seemed especially interested in the cadets within that group. I wonder why, I mean I never gave much thought to the sponsorships in the beginning…."

After a tour of his facilities and a short Q&A session, the doctor insisted that he had important business to attend to and bid the Cadets and SeeDs a quick farewell.

Restless Monsters Reported Around the World

By: Sera Leradine
(SeeD #34809, GFC Member)

It seems as though the continued disturbance to our time and world is causing for the monsters to become agitated and restless.
There have even been reports as to Elnoyles being sighted in various locations around the world, something which has not been heard of since the Lunar Cry which occurred twenty years ago. Other extremely powerful monsters seem to be frequenting towns as well, causing many civilians to panic.

"I can't even go to the market without fearing for my life!" Amanda Hefflinger from Timber tells us. "We saw a three headed monster the other day-- never seen one before! Scared me out of my wits."

Similar reports have been heard from Trabia and Deling as well. Having received several requests to investigate further on the matter. Headmaster Cid tells us that he is looking into the matter.

"The safety of civilians is one of our main priorities, and we will not let this continue on further." Headmaster Cid tells us. "I will be sending out teams to make sure the monsters are eradicated so they cannot continue to terrorize the towns and cities."
By: Helena Oster
(Cadet #67749, GFC Member)

Following the article about a possible Sorceress residing in Winhill, Headmaster Cid formed a team of SeeDs to investigate on the matter. Upon returning for an interview by the team, however, we received the same answer: Mission reports are confidential. However, that certainly didn't stop the residents of Winhill from speaking with us.

"The Commander was completely professional! Oh goodness, I still can't believe that THE Squall Leonhart headed the mission to investigate the matter!" Abigail Johnson, 47.

"Quite honestly, I don't think they even investigated anything! After they disappeared into the forest to supposedly look into the matter, they came out a few hours later and told us they would need to discuss amongst themselves what to make of the situation and that they would be in contact soon! What a bunch of hullabaloo, I know empty promises when I hear them! I doubt they even spoke with the woman at all!" Gregory Young, 67.

As the SeeDs are not allowed to speak about the mission, it seems that all we can do is wait for more information to be revealed to the public.
WAR CRIMINAL TO FACE POSSIBLE RETRIBUTION: Seifer Almasy CaseAnother Glitch in Time Compression
By: Helena Oster
(Cadet #67749, GFC Member)

As you're all aware, the infamous Seifer Almasy has returned to us thanks to the Time Compression (along with the Commander and SeeD Zell Dincht; great news to go with the bad!) What does this mean for us? Possible strains between Balamb Garden's relations with Galbadia Garden and Trabia Garden for housing a wanted criminal who has caused much strife on the two affiliates of Garden.

What does it mean for him?

Currently Almasy is under house arrest at the strict order of the Headmaster until the more serious issues can be resolved. It's likely that he will finally be answering for his crimes and be convicted of his war crimes due to his participation in the Second Sorceress War where he acted as Sorceress Knight to Ultimecia.

With tension lingering on between the three Gardens as well as President Loire and President of Deling, there have been rumors of much heated debate between whether it would be ethical for Almasy to be accepted once more into Balamb Garden as a cadet.

During his previous times here, as you all may remember, Almasy was enrolled as a cadet. However, due to his reoccurring disappearances and reappearances, people are beginning to grow suspicious. Some are even going as far as to say that Ultimecia has sent him from a time prior to her defeat in the Second Sorceress War to gather intel and find ways to avoid her inevitable fall.

Due to these concerns, leaders from around the world are pressuring Headmaster Cid to reconsider his decision to allow Almasy to reside in the school and instead to turn him over to proper authorities.

"This is a confidential matter so I cannot comment on it," Headmaster Cid tells us when we tried to ask for an interview.

Regardless, we have our own sources and will keep everyone updated as the situation progresses.
By: Sera Leradine
(SeeD #34809, GFC Member)

As some of you may have noticed, the month of May was plagued by constant disappearances and reappearances of off-world cadets and SeeDs. The situation was so jarring that the Headmaster had even postponed the start of term for a month in hopes of things settling down. After the first couple of times, a strange pattern seemed to be turning up; the off-worlders would disappear for the first part of the week and return for the rest, only to have it all happen again.

"I kind of wondered if it had to do with the trip to Odine's laboratory!" Cadet Lori Quintana commented. "I mean, we had just come back from the trip when all this weird stuff started happening. Maybe the reason why Dr. Odine was so interested in them during our visit was because he wanted to try a couple of experiments to see if he could reverse the effects? Didn't really seem to work, though..."

"Man, I had no idea what was going on, but it's awesome that we had another month of vacation because of it! Never thought I'd say this but thank you off-worlders for causing the Headmaster to postpone the start of term!" Cadet Douglas Thomas tells the newsletter.

Thankfully things seem to have returned to normal and the start of term has finally gone underway. As always, though, Time Compression never fails to throw the world for a loop… what could happen next?Party at The Presidential Palace

By: Jayce Searce
(Cadet #60234, GFC Member)

Dr. Odine wasn't the only high profile individual who played host to the cadets and SeeDs of Balamb Garden. The prestigious city's own President Loire extended an open invitation to the military academy for a tour of his Presidential Palace as well as a lavish dinner buffet.

"Oh, yes, Garden and I go way back! Cid's an old pal of mine so when I heard that he had set Esthar as the school's vacation destination how could I say no? It's great to be surrounded by so many young and eager individuals! Reminds me of myself when I was younger, really," President Loire told us in an interview.

A usually cheerful and optimistic man, he immediately turned somber the moment he was inquired about the rumors of Galbadia's missile tests.

"Ah… well, it's just a rumor now, right? I mean we're still in the middle of talks and all for the treaty-- oh, I can't talk about that? Sorry ma'am, you heard Ward there. My lips are sealed!"

Mon/WedVeggie omeletPotato salad & hot dogsSpicy chicken / roasted vegetable tortilla wraps
Tues/ThursYogurt & pancakesSoup & sandwichesSpaghetti & meatballs
FriBacon, eggs & hasbrownsVeggie & chicken soupChicken stir-fry
Sat/SunPorridgeSub sandwichesCabbages & noodles

Don't forget to mark it on your calendars, July 29th! The big day of where the nominations and votes have been tallied and the Balamb Garden King and Queen along with the Prince and Princess will be announced during the evening at the Homecoming Dance!

Also don't forget that during the month of July, from the 1st to the 28th, you can cast your vote for who will win one of the four titles!

Rides, prizes, goods and more! July 28th is where you and that special someone want to be! Show off your strength and skills and make that someone happy, or just attend for fun! Hope to see you all there!

Published and written by the Balamb Garden Festival Committee all logos © Balamb Garden


**OOC NOTE: The gossip column will no longer be written within the newsletter as it's been taken over by the Tattler! We hope you enjoy!

*balamb newsletter

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