[Sent before Shadow leaves for Winhill]
I'll just get right to the point.
The punishments in place here at Balamb Garden are laughable. A lot of cadets, and yes, even SeeDs, break or have broken serious rules set in place for their protection. However, there is no discrimination on the severity of the misconduct and the default punishments are detention or punishment tours.
I doubt either would suffice to actually teach a lesson that rules are in place for a reason.
I've come up with a list of possible other punishments suitable for cadets, and possibly SeeDs.
-Cafeteria Duty: work in the cafeteria, helping to serve food for breakfast.
-Training Center Cleanup: someone has to clean up after all those T-Rexaurs.
-NOTE6: Laundry Duty: just as it one would think it means.
-Essays: the topic can be decided upon issuing the punishment. At least twenty pages in length.
NOTE1: a minimum of ten pages can be set, and subsequent pages added on based on the circumstance and person in question
-Ban from an excursion into the next town we are docked in: this means that a cadet will not be permitted to leave Garden for a minimum of three days to the maximum of the entire duration of the visit.
-NOTE2 Assisting Instructors: examples range from repairing materials used in classrooms to helping stage crew. Assigned on a case by case basis.
Perhaps failing to comply with the above would result in a deduction in stipends one's sponsorship. NOTE5: sponsorship stipends or pay (depending on if the individual is still a Cadet or not) be taken to repay any willful damage to Garden property. Accidental damage caused by reckless behaviour could result in a lesser amount of money being taken.
-Explusion: depending on how severe the action was, and should be used when absolutely necessary. I doubt anyone wants this at the current time...[He's concerned about the safety of all here if they were to travel outside of Garden] (this part is literally crossed out, so one can still see the text)
-NOTE3 Isolation: just what it means. The length to be determined based on the incident. NOTE4: Isolation really should be as a last resort for truly grave incidents. Expulsion may be too severe, and may inadvertently endanger lives of students and native citizens.
NOTE6: Delay of taking the SeeD exam: the person would be denied the chance to take the exam until they can prove they are responsible enough, possess the standards of proper behavior, and have the ability to follow orders consistently.
**Notes will be added as suggestions come along**
Again, these are only suggestions. Constructive criticism and opinions would be appreciated. As a note, while this post is aimed for the Headmaster, Commander Leonhart, faculty, instructors, and SeeDs, it is not limited to just them. All input will be welcomed.
SeeD #83425