[ If you'd chanced upon the corridor heading to the dormitories today, you'd spot a seemingly lost looking... kid. Gender will be questionable. It's either a girl... or a pretty looking boy
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[ Ras now perpetually stunned, Shin manages to move him back to her shoulder with a nervous little laugh. ]
Sorry about that. Ras shoots his mouth off sometimes without thinking.
[ Now back to trying to explain things without being awk-- oh to hell with it. This lady's probably dead already or something if Ras sniffed her out. Shin assumes the position, back straight and with the best smile she can manage. ]
Shinigami Class C, in charge of Death Due to Intention of Others at your service. You can call me Shin.
W... well... can't say I met anyone else out of the department! I mean, it's just usually my brothers and me running the joint so to meet someone else who does the same job, it's really kinda stunning!
[ And a raised eyebrow from Ras tells her she's rambling again. The second sentence catches her attention though. ]
You must be some really high class reaper if I haven't metcha before...
[ ...awe now. For a lowly class c, this is something new. ]
[It's a bit easy to tell. Grell will have a lot of fun with her.]
Obviously~. But it is refreshing to see others like myself. We'll be the closest of friends, won't we? [Already plotting to make a miniature version of himself.]
Almost a year. [SIGHS] Quite the whirlwind it's been. Balamb is...tolerable, if not boring. It has it's upside, though.
Oh uh yeah. We.
[ Handmotion between her and the ermine. ]
Me an hi-
[ And she stops in mid sentence as the ermine leans over to take a few sniffs at Grell. ]
You smell the same.
[Leans a bit back as whatever it is smells him.]
That's a bit RUDE to be doing. And I doubt she...he...no, definitely a she, doesn't wear the same perfume as I.
Uh... sorry bout that. He kinda tends to get carried away when meeting new people.
[ Of course, the ermine starts to struggle, eventually popping out of his owner's grip. ]
Ah cmon. He smells like death too! Don't tell me ya don't notice!
[ Shin now forever linefacing at her weasel. ]
[Pays attention to the girl.] What does your little friend mean by 'too'?
[ Ras now perpetually stunned, Shin manages to move him back to her shoulder with a nervous little laugh. ]
Sorry about that. Ras shoots his mouth off sometimes without thinking.
[ Now back to trying to explain things without being awk-- oh to hell with it. This lady's probably dead already or something if Ras sniffed her out. Shin assumes the position, back straight and with the best smile she can manage. ]
Shinigami Class C, in charge of Death Due to Intention of Others at your service. You can call me Shin.
...that's some introduction~! [Grins sharply] It sounds very official.
Grell Sutcliff, in charge of being FABULOUS and deadly. You may call me Grell.
Y... yeah. We always did things by the book back home.
[ Then you get a curious little headtilt. ]
So... how long've you been dead?
[That question doesn't get asked. Ever.] For as long as I could remember, but how long is difficult to measure, don't you think?
Whoa whoa whoa back up a sec there. You're one of us?
[ And here she thought Grell was just dead. ]
And Ronnie is my protege. He has lots of potential to be as great as I.
[ And a raised eyebrow from Ras tells her she's rambling again. The second sentence catches her attention though. ]
You must be some really high class reaper if I haven't metcha before...
[ ...awe now. For a lowly class c, this is something new. ]
[And Grell would have remember her, most definitely.]
[ Not the brightest bulb in the box this one. ]
Well, I guess it's kinda a family business... but wow... there are reapers in other worlds, too?
I mean, well, obviously since people die all over the place...
[ She'll stop rambling now. ]
So... how long've you been here?
Obviously~. But it is refreshing to see others like myself. We'll be the closest of friends, won't we? [Already plotting to make a miniature version of himself.]
Almost a year. [SIGHS] Quite the whirlwind it's been. Balamb is...tolerable, if not boring. It has it's upside, though.
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