[It might be odd to see the blood elf practicing with a Blaster Edge, but for tonight, that was the weapon she had chosen. Why? Because her single student had that as her weapon preference, and truthfully? It was not Katsura's first choice for a projectile weapon. She had always been most familiar with bows. Almost to the point where she might call
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Naturally Shooting Star, her current Blaster Edge model, is currently strapped to her arm just in case she needs a weapon she's more familiar with. Namely if she stumbles upon a T-rexaur and can't escape right away.]
Instructor! [She smiles and waves, heading over to where Kat was standing.] Blaster Edge practice?
[It's a guess, but an educated one considering their time in class.]
[Which means if it cuts into her free time, so be it.!]
How are you doing? Practicing other weapons, I see? [But she's got a smile on her face.]
[She nods, smiling down at the gunblade that was resting casually on her shoulder.]
I thought it'd be good to learn something that works better in close quarter combat. It's been really hard to get used to, but I like it. I'm thinking on specializing in it even.
Impressed with the gunblades, then? I liked a little more precision, I guess, but I've always admired their power, truth be told.
A little. Two of the best fighters I know use them. They also look really cool too, don't you think?
[Because let's face it, while Armageddon *looked* awesome, it was ridiculous being dual-wielded by a gnome warrior, for example.]
Nicer than some of the bows and guns, as well.
As an instructor, I did get familiar with them, of course, but... [She shakes her head.] I much prefer the weapons of my youth, I suppose.
A friend, he was a cadet here long before I was, taught me how to use a blaster's edge. While I wouldn't say I was a kid at the time, it's certainly the first weapon I ever managed to pick up well enough.
[She shakes her head, remembering the disasters fondly.]
Not that Seifer didn't try to find something else I might be good at.
I remember when my father first taught me to use a bow. It wasn't a mage's weapon by any means, but he wanted to try. It was...amusing to say the least. Much better when one of the rangers took pity on him and gave me a hand.
[She makes a clicking sound.] You certainly seem talented enough with it when I've watched you.
[At the word father her smile falters for a moment, but she recovers from it quickly.]
That's really sweet. It sounds like you've got a really nice dad.
[She nods.] It's largely from practice more than anything, but I've been trying.
Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect, right? I'd say you've done very well for yourself. I certainly have no complaints, other than "keep doing what you're doing". If I saw any room for improvement, I'd say so.
[Though it seems like there have been others doing that for her!]
Thanks. [She smiles, honestly glad to hear that from the Instructor.] It means a lot to hear you say that.
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