Feb 11, 2011 01:37
[Luki is in the quad with a sketchbook and some pencil crayons. She's working quite dilligently on some art, and if one happens to glance over her shoulder, the art's pretty decent for a ten year old. It needs polishing and refinement, but she does have a certain level of attention to detail and a decent grasp of body proportions. Instead of spending a lot of money on Valentines' Day presents, she's decided to give pictures, with perhaps a little bit of chocolate to select people. It's not a holiday she ever celebrated before, so she doesn't get the need for all the hearts and flowers.
Upon noticing someone approaching, Luki abruptly closes her sketchbook. The drawings are supposed to be a surprise, after all.]
[dogs] luki,
[atla] katara,
[one piece] marco