Oct 04, 2010 19:19
1- I did not get picked for the One Bite Contest, which I’m a little sad about, but I didn’t feel like my short story was really strong. New plan is to rework it, now that I don’t have a word count limit, and submit it to some of the on line publishers.
2- I finished hard copy edits on my first book, and I’m transferring one chapter a day onto the computer. I started on book 2, which went well for 6 pages until I needed to do some research on South America- Argentina is beautiful and huge! Big mistake I made thinking of South America as having “A” culture and past, each country and region is very diverse. I spent all weekend reading and watching travel shows on South American countries- and I think I have it figured out.
3- I need to write a query letter for book one- and turn in it to be critiqued. I have never written one before so I’m very nervous.
4- I need to update my facebook- I now have three a personal account, and two author accounts one for each genre. I need to try and upkeep them better if I’m going to bother having them!
5- This month I’m taking a class on lying for writers- as in how to show physical tells that your characters are lying (should be fun) and at the end of the month I’m taking a query letter writing class which I’m very excited about!!!
I think that’s it. Hope everyone else is doing well.