Going away...

May 16, 2006 08:23

In case you haven't noticed.. I haven't been as attentive as I usually am when it comes to updating/reading on livejournal. I guess I will just do a quick update and then I am going to take a break for a little bit. I really need to focus on my off-line time.

Yesterday I went to get the heart monitor put on. I get to take it off today... who knows what they will find... Lillian stayed the night at the in-laws so that gave P and I some time for a much needed night out. After picking him up from work, we went to Red Robin for drinks and appetizers and then walked around the mall a bit.. Then after that we went to Zia and then home. Sounds kinda boring I know, but we haven't been out past 7pm in ages.. so walking around after dark was really pleasant. It was like a date. I wont bore you with the things we bought or the people we saw... All I will say is that it was really nice to be around those who are "one of us." I really miss that. I need to go out more... Preferably with my husband but that isn't always likely.

After I get this heart thing taken off today, I will pick up my little one and then bring her home to go swimming. Right now we are focusing on teaching her how to float. She's got it down to where she will float ok for about 5-6 seconds and then she feels the need to grab on to me. There have been a few times where she has inhaled water but thankfully that doesn't deter her from wanting to learn. I think that at the rate she is going, by the end of the summer she will be pretty close to swimming on her own. It's nice to have a pool right outside our front door. Sometimes I really love it where I live, this is one of those times.

Anyway... I don't know when I will be back to post. Perhaps when something exciting happens or perhaps when I feel I have given my real life the attention that it deserves... Since nothing really exciting ever happens around here, it will probably be the latter... Unless someone pisses me off... then I -have- to come back and vent.

But anyway... Yeah.
I'm out.
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