Every man's memory is his private literature.

Apr 27, 2013 13:26


I spent the last 3(ish) days - mostly with lack of sleep - but I finally got it done.
I tagged Every. Single. Entry.
Now they can be accessed with ease. -->Clickie Link<--

My original reason I started this was because I was looking for two specific journal entries. They were not tagged so I went though my entire journal looking for them. ALL 8 YEARS WORTH. o_o;
I tagged as I went along but I never did find the entries which means I must have posted them on my Myspace page - - - which has since been deleted. (of course...)


So this means I need to write two entries because these experiences were pretty damn awesome. So awesome that their awesomeness cannot be confined into a single entry. Both having taking place back when Vampy and I did our night drives on a near weekly basis.

I have also decided that in the near future I will be finally making my 'tattoo' entry which will include pics as well as the stories/significance behind each one.

I do have to say one thing. It was kinda cool watching Kindergoth grow up through the entries. Both in simple text posts and posts with pics.

I also have to say that I truly regret deleting the 5 years of journaling before I created this one. There were many memories that I have lost in doing so. But that's ok too. cause now I can write them as I remember them and they will be tagged accordingly in this one. Hah.

Ok. Time to go out into the world for a bit. I am in dire need of fresh air.

kin, memories, kindergoth, random, friends

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